
DPRK offers to allow UN inspections - CNN

Updated: 2010-12-20 14:02
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SEOUL - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has offered to allow UN nuclear inspections to resume following talks in Pyongyang with US troublshooter Bill Richardson, according to CNN which has a team travelling with the New Mexico governor.

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Pyongyang "agreed to allow international atomic energy agency personnel to return to a nuclear facility in the country and agreed to negotiate the sale of 12,000 fresh fuel rods and ship them to an outside country, presumably to the Republic of Korea (ROK)", CNN's website said, quoting correspondent Wolf Blitzer in Pyongyang.

"The DPRK has also agreed to consider Richardson's proposal for a military commission between the United States, DPRK and ROK as well as a separate hotline for the Koreas' militaries."