AL urges Int'l to stop Jerusalem dig

Updated: 2007-02-11 09:07

The Arab League (AL) Saturday blasted Israel's excavation in Jerusalem's Old City as "criminal" act and urged the international community to stop it, Egypt's MENA news agency reported.

In a statement after an emergency meeting at the level of AL permanent delegates on Israel's dig, the AL said it would move at the Arab, Islamic and international levels to "halt the Israeli assault on the mosque."

The AL called on the UN Security Council to hold a meeting to stop the Israeli activity, said the statement. It also urged the Quartet, which groups the UN, the EU, the U.S. and Russia, to act and end Israel's excavation.

The Israeli Antiquities Authority on Tuesday began a salvage excavation in the Jerusalem Archeological Park, sitting beneath the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, for the purpose of erecting supporting pillars for a permanent and safe bridge leading to the entrance of the compound.

However, the excavation triggered protest among Palestinians, who considered it as a damage to al-Aqsa Mosque.

On Friday, Israeli police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse Muslim worshippers, who staged a violent protest after Friday prayers.

Muslim and Arab countries across the Middle East also have condemned the excavation despite Israel's promise to secure the al-Aqsa Mosque during the construction.

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