Encyclopedia of Chinese Culture to be presented at festival

Updated: 2013-10-13 08:22

By Guillermo Danino(China Daily)

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Diplomatic Pouch | Mike Peters

As part of this fall's Festival of Culture and Arts of Peru, the embassy of Peru and the Chinese Ministry of Culture will present the book Encyclopedia of Chinese Culture by prominent Peruvian Sinologist Guillermo Danino on Oct 14 at the National Library of China. Danino, who has lived in China since 1979 and teaches at universities in Nanjing and Beijing, is widely published in the areas of Chinese language, literature and films.

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The embassy of Nigeria is promoting Nigeria Culture Week in Nanjing from Oct 14 to 18.

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The Colombian embassy in Beijing kicked off the country's 9th annual film festival in the capital at the Cervantes Institute on Oct 11, with the premiere of the comedy El Paseo 2 and Rolling for Colombia from director Harold Trompetero. Screenings continue on Fridays at 7 pm and Saturdays at 6 pm through Oct 31; see pekin.cervantes.es for the schedule of films, which also include Del Amor and Otros Demonios from Hilda Hidalgo, Lecciones para un Beso from Juan Pablo Bustamante and 180 Segundos from Alexander Giraldo.

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Encyclopedia of Chinese Culture to be presented at festival

The German embassy celebrated its national day, which commemorates the country's reunification, on Oct 10 in China. At home the holiday falls on Oct 3, but the Beijing event has traditionally been delayed until after China's national day holiday week. It was the first such public event for the country's new ambassador, Michael Clauss, who arrived in Beijing in August.

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The Danish fur design company Birger Christensen, creators of fur clothing for high-end consumers, launched its entry into the Chinese market with a press conference at the Danish embassy early this month.

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"If you want to understand the body, you have to understand the heart. If you want to understand the Earth, you need to understand oceans." That was the inspirational message renowned oceanographer Sylvia Earle took to more than 100 teenage girls to explore science and conservation, igniting their imaginations with tales and images from her deep-sea adventures. The students, from No 3 Girls School's Conservation Club, were thrilled to meet Earle recently at a forum sponsored by the US consulate in Shanghai and hear her message of empowerment and environmental protection.

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Slovak ambassador Frantisek Dlhopolcek and his wife hosted a national day reception at the embassy just before China's national holidays.

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The EU delegation in China recently hosted its third annual exhibition of paintings by Chinese young people about Europe called Europe in My Heart. A concurrent exhibition, Ambassador Markus Ederer said in a statement, featured paintings by young Europeans with their visions of China called China in My Dreams. The paintings were all exhibited in Beijing's Chaoyang Park Oct 1-7 as part of the golden week international tourism and culture festival.

Send embassy news to michaelpeters@chinadaily.com.cn.

Encyclopedia of Chinese Culture to be presented at festival

(China Daily 10/13/2013 page5)