Web quotes

Updated: 2013-04-21 08:04

(China Daily)

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Dozens of taxis from Wenchuan drove fully loaded with drinking water and instant food to the quake-hit area in Lushan county. That's how the victims of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 show their gratitude.

Li Shuanke, publisher of Chinese National Geography, said on his micro blog

The scene with many medical workers rescuing one person makes me feel like I am one of the people who got hurt in the earthquake. So I'm in tears. Wish you all are safe and sound.

Micro blogger named Xiaogejiang

The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, shocked the nation. In a few weeks is its fifth anniversary. But the Ya'an earthquake just tears open the scar that is just about to heal, and it throws us once again into the shadow of a disaster. But don't be afraid, Ya'an, because all of the people in the nation are praying for you.

Micro blogger named Qingshihongyanweijunzui

The young group born in the 1990s has really been through a lot: The outbreak of SARS in 2003, bird flu in 2005, the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and "doomsday" in 2012. In this sense, we are no longer children, because what we have been through is really engraved on our souls.

Micro blogger named A-KEAN

Just learned from the news that a journalist joined the coverage of the earthquake in her wedding gown! Today's her wedding day, but she devoted herself to the emergency coverage after the earthquake. What a beautiful heart that journalist has!

Micro blogger named CRI-zhikanzheni

(China Daily 04/21/2013 page4)