China Daily

Top News

Guillermo Munro / China Daily

Country in City

Experts suggest a possible model which may be "re-inventing"a "garden city" as China becomes increasingly urbanized.

Sunday Talk

Sunday Digest

WTO opens door to Russia

GENEVA - After nearly two decades of trying, Russia gained approval on Friday to join the World Trade Organization, a move likely to boost its economy and that of its biggest trading partner, the European Union, at a time of global financial turmoil.

Beijing wants real names in microblog registration

IN BRIEF (Page 2)

Around China

Sunday People

Yo, Pengyou!

As a Chinese-American kid in San Marino, California, Allan Wu had no vision of himself as a bridge between his family's ancestral culture and its new one. "My parents were first-generation immigrants from Shenyang in Northeast China," he says. "But I was born in America and I wanted to be an American - 'to be like everybody else'." Today the community where he grew up is about 30 percent Asian, "but back then there were just a handful." So young Wu struggled to learn English since it wasn't the language of his own house, and he resisted his parents' urging to learn Chinese because that wasn't his vision of himself.

Student sees the year 2011 as a running challenge

Sunday Expat

Breathing in Beijing

Air pollution in China's big cities gets lot of attention, but one British entrepreneur says the challenge can be faced, Angela Shen reports.

US man hears sound of music on two continents

New stamps show art of engraving

Sunday Image

Where the wild games are

There were no fancy jerseys, no short-skirted cheerleaders, no commercial endorsements for these athletes. But the competition was fierce, and so was the cultural pride - and that made Brazil's XI Indigenous Games one of the most watchable events of 2011. Most of the world didn't get to see it, but photographer Eraldo Peres was there to capture the action for the Associated Press.

Sunday Sports

Bryant and wife to divorce after 10 years

ORANGE, Calif. - Kobe Bryant's wife, who stood by her husband when he was charged with sexual assault in 2003, filed for divorce on Friday from the Los Angeles Lakers star, citing irreconcilable differences after a decade of marriage.

No prison for Bonds: 'A slap on the wrist' says prosecutor

Score Board

IN BRIEF (Page 7)

Revenge? or just a Reminder?

The week that was

Sunday Life

DNA sequencing's deluge of data

Genetic analysis might be the next phase of innovation

A gleaming capital, but few feel at home

Living frugally

Sunday Food

Late night cold hits

Not having the best Cantonese when I first visited Hong Kong years ago, I had no idea what it meant when a friend took me out for a Chiu Chow (Chaozhou, Guangdong province) dalang meal. I thought he was saying "hit wool". Years later when I was able to decipher the characters for this late night supper, I realized it meant "hit (da) cold (lang)". It still made no sense. But even if I did not know what it meant, I knew enough to know I was hooked for life - especially the oyster pancake.

Stay on course

Gentleman farmer and an organic lifestyle

Sunday Style

Gifts from the heart

Choosing the right gift is both science and art, but the best and most appreciated presents come from knowing that the giver had spent time and thought on the gift. Han Bingbin has some suggestions.

Sunday Kaleidoscope

Charming Song Zuying

Charms of China has already toured more than 10 cities in China, and this showcase for China's most famous soprano Song Zuying will arrive in Beijing on Dec 31, 2011 and Jan 1, 2012.

Oxygen of the soul

Twice the talent

City guide

Sunday Travel

Themes for dreams

If you want to experience the austerity of temple life, you will like the tranquility at this inn. The Mahayana OCT Boutique Hotel encourages an early-to-bed, early-to-rise lifestyle for its guests, and since couples are housed in separate rooms, it also encourages celibacy, a courtesy the hotel asks for out of respect to its guiding beliefs.

Departure gate

Airline news and deals
