CHINA / Center

Track rehearsal for Games
(China Daily)
Updated: 2006-04-13 06:10

"Due to our own condition, young athletes rarely have the chance to take part in such high level competitions, so this home game is good for them," Luo said. "We will try to participate in all the events."

At the same time, Luo admitted that one-time practise like this would not improve China's level of track and field too much.

"The track and field athletes have to train for years," Luo said. "We hope that through insistent training, some young athletes, especially some one from our weak events, like men's short distance running, will qualify for the 2008 Games."

According to the organizing committee, the 2006 IAAF World Junior Championships will be held at the Chaoyang Sports Park, which will be completed by the end of this month.

The recruitment of volunteers for the games began from March 5. About 1,500 volunteers are needed.

The six-day games will also serve as one of the test events for the 2008 Olympic Games.  

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