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BBAC unveils new GLA SUV car model

Updated : 2017-04-27
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Beijing-based carmaker Beijing Benz Automotive Co Ltd (BBAC) unveiled its new GLA SUV model at an auto show in Shanghai on April 19, attracting global attention.

The GLA SUV has been a hit for BBAC since its debut in 2015. The model introduced at the auto show was a new made-in-China version, with its appearance customized to appeal to Chinese customers. The red-painted car was equipped with LED lights and assistant operating systems to enhance driving safety.

BBAC unveils new GLA SUV car model

A new Mercedes-Benz GLA SUV car makes its debut at the 17th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition in Shanghai with a delegation from Beijing Benz Automotive Co Ltd (BBAC), April 19. [Photo/internet]

Themed around “Committed to Better Life”, the 17th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition opened in Shanghai on April 19. The auto show has been successfully held 16 times since its debut in 1985, and is aimed at displaying the latest achievements and innovations of the world’s automobile industry.

BBAC unveils new GLA SUV car model

The new car is on display. [Photo/internet]