
Getting strict with older industries and environmental degradation

By Song Zhanzhang (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-03-05 07:37
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Jiangsu plans to do everything it can to save energy and protect the environment, Luo Zhijun, Jiangsu's Party chief said recently.

Luo told the 11th provincial People's Congress that, "We need to eliminate outmoded production capacity more speedily, and completely stop any new projects in backward industries."

Luo said the government will have new energy-saving and emissions-reduction projects in manufacturing, construction work, and transportation. And it will promote the use of energy-saving and water-saving technology and a recycling economy.

"We'll use our economic leverage - pricing, taxes, and loans - to get businesses and society in general to conserve energy and reduce emissions."

The government also plans to try harder on ecological improvements through a "clean water, blue sky" project.

Other steps will be taken to improve the quality of Jiangsu's Taihu Lake, China's third largest freshwater lake.

There will also be a move to reduce the amount of dust at construction sites, on highways, and around factories to improve air quality.

Work on wastewater and garbage treatment plants also needs to be sped up.

The government has a goal of 53,000 more hectares of forest area and 21,000 more hectares of urban grassy areas.

(China Daily 03/05/2011 page10)
