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Charter tour ends with joys in Karamay

By Sun Hui Updated: 2017-01-09

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On December 27, around 100 visitors from Shanghai finished their six-day trip in Karamay, located in the north of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, with joys and laughter.

The journey, organized by the Shanghai Shuofeng International Travel Service Company, provided tourists with a unique tour route covering Xinjiang’s featured attractions, comfortable services and immersive activities.

Charter tour ends with joys in Karamay

Tourists pose for a photo at the front of the Big Oil Bubble, a renowned tourist spot in Karamay. [Photo/kelamayi.com.cn]

The tour route covered two 5A-rated scenic areas, a natural hot springs sanatorium, a 4S-rated ski resort and grand 3D live performances, offering a unique view of the Xinjiang region in winter.

Tourists also stepped into the snow-covered lands of the World Ghost City, the Black Oil Mountain, the Big Oil Bubble and Karamay’s famous oilfields.

Charter tour ends with joys in Karamay

Tourists arrive at the famous World Ghost City, located some 100 kilometers northeast of Karamay in Urho district. [Photo/kelamayi.com.cn]

The tourist groups included numerous retirees, highlighting how many tours are effectively and continuously adapting for all ages and families as well as the ease of travel retirement can bring.

The tour course was well-designed to present the most famous attractions and activities across the region, which came out on top as "best choice" for tourism over other parts of the country, especially for those from South China, according to the Karamay Tourism Bureau.

Charter tour ends with joys in Karamay

The hot spring in Karamay’s Ala Mountain surrounded by snow calmly awaits guests from Shanghai. [Photo/kelamayi.com.cn]

Edited by Charlie Clarkson