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Infrastructure developing at 'breathtaking pace'
This includes $286 million to build a facility to produce its large engines in the northern city of Tianjin, and marketing a two-year $1 billion yuan ($150 million) bonds to institutional investors in Hong Kong.
Desperate for an offer
College students, who are going to graduate this summer, flock into a State-owned enterprises'job fair at the gymnasium of Tianjin University of Science and Technology in Tianjin on Monday.
Binhai New Area
Sky's the limit
The helicopter, which has a seating capacity of six, can be used for fl ight training, policing and medical aid.
Top 10 Chinese cities picked for tourists
( english.people.com.cn )

Harbin, Hangzhou, Huangshan, Jinan, Kashgar, Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County, Luoyang, Sanya, Suzhou and Xi'an have been voted as the Top 10 tourist cities of China.

The online selection event, known as "2010 Chinese City Rankings - Top Chinese Tourist Cities," concluded Tuesday, with 10 cities winning the honors. Out of more than 80 cities that were nominated, these cities bagged the highest number of online votes to be ranked as the top Chinese Tourist Cities.

"We organized the event with the aim of giving the world an opportunity to understand China. This understanding is not just acknowledgement of the charming landscape of these cities, but also the recognition of the inner meaning of Chinese culture," said Wang Gengnian, China Radio International director-general, organizer of this event.

The organizer has set up, since April, an event website in 43 languages, including English and German, to demonstrate the unique resources and diversity of Chinese cities.

"Earlier, I only knew of Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong in China. Through participation in this event, I have come to know that China has many cities of great scenic beauty and with a rich cultural heritage," commented a Serbian Internet user on the website.

At the awards ceremony, the organizer launched a new platform for promotion of tourism - a multilingual website called Into China.

Source: Global Times

Editor: Xie Fang

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