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Tianjin Port to raise HK$2.4b
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Aquilaria Art Museum opens in Tianjin
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Binhai New Area
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Haihe Vocational Education Park held groundbreaking ceremony


Haihe Vocational Education Park held groundbreaking ceremony
Haihe Vocational Education Park holds its groundbreaking ceremony

Haihe Vocational Education Park held its groundbreaking ceremony in Jinan District on Monday. The Park plans to be a key base for training vocational talents and be a focus arena for vocational skills competition. Zhang Gaoli, Party Secretary of Tianjin municipality, Zhang Rongming, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Zhou Ji, Minister of Education attended the ceremony.

The Park, situated on the southern bank of the middle reach of Haihe River and covering 37 square kilometers, is one of the key projects planned by the municipal government this year. According to the blueprint, the park will comprise “One hall, two wings”. One hall refers to the ecological green hall though the center of the park while two wings refer to school buildings and other supporting facilities. The East Wing will be home to 5 vocational schools and 1 university while the West Wing 8 vocational schools and 1 university. Upon completion, vocational schools and universities in the park are expected to enroll 200 thousand students and 100 thousand residents will also live there.

The first stage of the park covers 10 square kilometers. Upon its completion, it will house 58 thousand students and 40 thousand residents. Public libraries, training centers, executive centers and other public facilities are under plan. Stadiums will be built with the same standard of venues of the National University Games and will be open to the public.

According to the park’s construction schedule, the 2011 National Vocational Skills Competition and the 2012 National University Games will be staged there.


By Guo Changdong

TIANJIN City of Glamour