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Fall semester opening ceremony held at Shanxi University


Updated : 2020-09-21

Fall semester opening ceremony held at Shanxi University
An opening ceremony for the 2020 fall semester is held at Shanxi University on Sept 17. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

The opening ceremony for the 2020 academic fall semester was held on Sept 17 at Shanxi University.

The ceremony at the Wucheng and Dadongguan campuses was attended by freshmen and officials of the university.

Wang Yanglin, Party chief of Shanxi University, wore freshmen the school badge -- symbolizing the identity and spirit of the university.

Fall semester opening ceremony held at Shanxi University
Huang Guitian, president of Shanxi University, addresses the ceremony, on Sept 17. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Huang Guitian, president of the university, addressed the ceremony, urging the freshmen to work hard in the coming years and acquire knowledge, morality, confidence and courage in the run-up to graduating from the university.

Representatives of teachers and freshmen also delivered speeches at the ceremony.

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