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Shanxi University clarifies work agenda for new semester


Updated : 2020-09-08

Shanxi University clarifies work agenda for new semester

Huang Guitian, president of Shanxi University, addresses the new semester work arrangement meeting on Sept 3. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Shanxi University held a meeting on the new semester work agenda on Sept 3.

The meeting analyzed and assessed the current situation and tasks to be addressed by the university, which is set to resume its normal teaching schedule in the second half of the current year.

In the new semester, the university will focus on advancing the development of its academic disciplines and majors, complete a fifth round of discipline evaluations and strive to develop 20,000 nationally and provincially first-class undergraduate majors.

Second, it will promote work related to personnel and talent, complete the evaluation of professional titles at all levels and organize ahead of time its recruitment plan for 2021.

The development of scientific research platforms will be extended, with Yungang Research Institute, Modern Biomedicine and Health Industry Research Institute and Carbon-based New Materials Research Institute to be built at the university.

In addition, the university will enact performance reforms plans, accelerate the reform of its personnel system and undertake reforms of its enrollment system.

All the measures will be carried out, while observing sound novel coronavirus prevention and control measures.


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