Three great places to read in Songjiang2019-11-26

Three bookstores in Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort were listed the top 10 reading destinations in Songjiang district, local media reported on Nov 22.

Where to find China's No 1 golf course2019-11-26

The Sheshan International Golf Club ranked first on a list of China's 10 greatest Golf courses compiled by Golf Digest, a monthly magazine published by Discovery Inc which covers recreational golf as well as men's and women's competitive golf.

What happens in Sheshan in early winter?2019-11-20

Home to some of the most popular destinations in Songjiang district, Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort (Sheshan Resort) boasts a plethora of late autumn scenery in which to indulge.

The best spots for autumn views in Sheshan2019-10-25

As fall approaches, nature and culture lovers can head to Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort in Songjiang district to soak up the autumn views.

Sheshan ready for Shanghai Tourism Festival2019-09-20

The 2019 Shanghai Tourism Festival opened with a grand performance on Sept 14.

Shanghai launches new program for tourists2019-09-09

SHANGHAI - Three of Shanghai's top destinations, the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower and the Shanghai Wildlife Park, have jointly launched a new city pass program to attract tourists both from home and abroad.

The longest day in Sheshan2019-07-25

Popular TV drama The Longest Day in Chang'an takes viewers to the heyday of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), when a single day was divided into 12 periods according to traditional Chinese zodiac.

The best summer getaway in Shanghai2019-07-16

Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort is staging a series of festivities in its Playa Maya Water Park and Happy Valley, offering an enticing getaway from the summer heat.

The ultimate camping site in Shanghai2019-07-15

Sheshan National Tourist Resort is attracting an increasing number of campers, especially as the Perseid meteor shower will light up the night sky in August.

Attractions to enjoy Mother's Day in Sheshan2019-05-10

As Mother’s Day approaches, Sheshan is a perfect place to enjoy your time with your mothers.

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Official Website of the Sheshan National Tourist Resort, Shanghai