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EGO Electronics holds summer camp for left-behind children
2016-11-23 15:43

In China, the problem of left-behind children is a common issue in rural areas, as their parents move to the city in order to find work. However one company in Taicang is taking steps to alleviate some of the struggles associated with families split up by work.

EGO Electronics holds summer camp for left-behind children

Children tour Shanghai and pose for a photo on The Bund. [Photo/Taicang Daily]

During the school holidays, German-based EGO Electronics organized a summer camp for the children of its staff so that they would have fun activities to take part in while their parents were at work.

Some 79 left-behind children attended the summer course which ran from July 11 to Aug 20. Activities for the children involved exploring the city, day trips, sports, English, music, and crafts.

EGO Electronics holds summer camp for left-behind children

Children take part in a pottery class at the summer camp.[Photo/Taicang Daily]

Employees at EGO come from many regions across China, with their work in Taicang leading to long periods of separation from their children. This is the foremost reason for organizing the activity, said EGO's general manager. "The company respects the importance of family life in China, and wants to provide a more home-like corporate culture and working environment for its workers," he added.

EGO Electronics holds summer camp for left-behind children

The summer campers prepare to make a splash.[Photo/Taicang Daily]

The summer camp received a great response and is expected to become an annual event.

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