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Bacheng town pulls out all the stops for Lantern Festival

Updated : 2016-02-22

Wondering how to spend Lantern Festival on Monday? If the stellar performances of the national televised gala aren't your thing then head down to the Bacheng town to see art performances provided at the town's culture center.

Tickets are free and can be picked up before workday hours end.

Tickets are available from: the residents' committees of Nianfeng community, Bachenghu village, Bacheng community, Longtanhu village, East Yangcheng Lake village and the publicity office of the town.

Some of the acts on the playbill:

 Title  Type Provided by 
Cowboys' Holiday   dance Bingdilian community 
Huan Sha Ji • Ji Zi   Kunqu opera  traditional opera society of Bacheng
 untitled  tai chi performance  Minsheng martial art school
 Farmers' Songs  folk song  Yangcheng folk song group

The show will start at 18:45 and remember to bring your umbrellas in case of rain.



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