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British man paints Zhouzhuang in watercolor - 2

Updated : 2015-12-04

Zhouzhuang, a beautiful water town in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, has always been recorded and preserved in various artistic forms throughout the years.

David Paskett, born in 1944, is a British watercolor artist, and president of the Royal Watercolor Society (R.W.S.) in the United Kingdom. He travelled throughout China occasionally from 1986 to 1990 and fell in love with its natural landscape, cultural atmosphere and folk customs. He depicted the country's scenery with his brush.

Instead of simply presenting scenic beauty, the English painter vividly describes people's daily life in his paintings.

Below are some watercolors by Paskett that focus on China's No.1 water town, Zhouzhuang.

British man paints Zhouzhuang in watercolor - 2

A craftsman works sitting on a chair. [Photo/zhouzhuang.net]

British man paints Zhouzhuang in watercolor - 2

A corner of Shen House, the former residence of the greatest local business family. [Photo/zhouzhuang.net]

British man paints Zhouzhuang in watercolor - 2

Baskets of vegetables lie alongside the road. [Photo/zhouzhuang.net]




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