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LNU sends volunteer teachers to Tibet

Updated: 2018-03-20

LNU sends volunteer teachers to Tibet

LNU launches a flag-giving ceremony, seeing off its fifth batch of students to aid Tibet. [Photo/news.lingnan.edu.cn]

Lingnan Normal University (LNU) saw off the fifth batch of students to embark on a yearlong journey of being volunteer teachers in the Tibet autonomous region recently. This event also marked the 30th anniversary of the university's aid-Tibet action plan.

Tibet is called the "roof of the world" due to its very high plateaus and elevated altitude. The area has several of the world's tallest mountains, numerous high-altitude lakes, and magnificent canyons. The complex topography is a double-edged sword however, as it also severely restricts local economic and educational development.

Since 2014, Guangdong province has been one of the several rich coastal areas that assist Tibet in maintaining social stability, improving its quality of life, promoting local tourism, protecting its environment, upgrading its educational facilities, and training local teachers and students.

The 41 LNU volunteers come from 12 different faculties, and will be sent to kindergartens, primary schools and high schools in Gongbo'gyamda county. It is the largest squad that has ever been sent by LNU.

For them, this mission is not only to help Tibet's students, but also to prepare themselves for the future careers. Their paper, internship and politics teachers will all be on standby to provide guidance.

According to Huang Dahai, deputy Party secretary of LNU, the program will be further pushed forward, as the university believes moral education always comes first in talent cultivation.

LNU sends volunteer teachers to Tibet

The volunteer students take an oath before departure. [Photo/news.lingnan.edu.cn]

