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CGGC sails in the same boat with Ecuadorian people

Updated: 2016-04-22

A Documentary on CGGC's contribution to the massive earthquake in Ecuador

On April 16 local time, a strong 7.5-magnitude earthquakes hit Ecuador. The severest earthquake to jolt Ecuador in decades has caused 553 deaths, over 5000 injures and at least 1700 missing, stricking the country and its people at a loss of billions of US dollars. The President declared that Ecuador entered the 2-month emergency state. At the quake's epicenter, CGGC people, in danger of 163 aftershocks, big and small, firmly and courageously strived with local militaries, policemen, and medical workers together to relieve Chinese employees' anxiety and warm victims with various aids. The personnel security was placed in top priority.

The security of CGGC workers in Ecuador was concerned by all of people the first time after the earthquake occurred.

CGGC quickly made relief arrangement immediately after the quake to ensure staff's safety and strictly prevent bodily injury from secondary disasters such as the aftershock. All project departments with tasks under construction and diplomatic missions in Ecuador launched contingency plans to carry out preparation measures for disaster prevention and mitigation. So far, there have been neither personnel casualties nor property damages reported from the above institutions, which means that buildings, facilities and equipments of all projects remain intact.

Righteousness was revealed in the face of dangers. As a Chinese state-owned enterprise with an intensive sense of social responsibility, CGGC casted its people into the local relief work as soon as the tragedy happened. They reached out to victims by helping wounded people and delivering rescue supplies in willingness to offer Ecuadorian people with a part of Chinese power for their home rebuilding.

CGGC exerts money and labor to overall boost reconstruction.

April 19 local time, CGGC Project Department of Sopladora Hydropower Station in Ecuador organized the first batch of rescue teams and dispatched them in a hurry to Bahia de Caraquez, the epicenter of the quake, overnight with a large amount of equipments and materials such as excavators, loaders, dump trucks, ambulances, flatbed trailers, medicines and potable water to take part in salvation. The other rescue team on the night journey was from Cuenca Government, Ecuador.

CGGC sails in the same boat with Ecuadorian people
CGGC sails in the same boat with Ecuadorian people

A fleet of medical and engineering vehicles rush to the hit area.

In addition, CGGC Project Department of Yachay Knowledge City donated supplies worth 10 thousand US dollars to stricken employees of the owner, Yachay Company. All of Yachay staff, many moved with tears in eyes, expressed their sincere gratitude to CGGC for profound sentiments of friendship.

CGGC sails in the same boat with Ecuadorian people

CGGC sails in the same boat with Ecuadorian people

CGGC offers aid in materials to victims of Yachay Company.

CGGC, the Vice President company of Chinese Enterprise Chamber of Commerce in Ecuador, made a solemn commitment that it would provide another humanitarian donation worth 10 thousand US dollars to Ecuadorian Government through the above Chamber.

Projects in progress turn out to be provenly sturdy backing for earthquake relief.

CGGC has undertaken 7 EPC projects in Ecuador at the total contract value up to 950 million US dollars. These projects not only manifested their unique quality by surviving the ferocious earthquake but also played an active role in combating the adversity by means of guaranteeing power generation, making way for settlement and so on.

Sopladora Hydropower Station: on April 15, 2016, the first machine unit successfully generated electricity after being combined to the power grid. The next day when the massive quake burst, the station found no damages at all. Currently, the Project Department takes it the primary task to ensure normal operation of the generator set by all mean. The station is conveying electricity at a daily quantity of 500 thousand KWh to Ecuadorian power grid day and night, which has vigorously protected the energy to support the earthquake relief and hence fully reflected CGGC's social responsibility accountability in the international society.

CGGC sails in the same boat with Ecuadorian people

Sopladora Hydropower Station was put into operation a few days ago and withstood the strong earthquake.

Yachay Knowledge City: This project contracted by CGGC was most heavily affected compared to all other projects under construction due to its closest distance to the quake's epicenter, but it stood still against the hit on account of its excellent quality. Now, the completed building offers a suitable shelter for people and supplies in contribution to the local disaster prevention and control.

Bulubulu Flood Control Project : This project entering into the final completion inspection in July of 2015 also resisted the aggressive earthquake and effectively prevented the possible secondary disasters of flooding caused by intra-area rivers after the quake.

Besides, other numerous examples, such as Millennium School Project and Mirador Copper Mine Project that did not collapse in the strike, have embodied the exquisite construction technology, scientific on-site management and responsible professionalism of CGGC international people.

Adhering to the cooperation concept of Honesty, Fairness and Win-win and in possession of a strong sense of social responsibility, CGGC infuses the racing-against-time relief work with power and friendship from China in convergence with more and more benevolence in beautiful Ecuador. The ruthless adversity cannot defeat affectionate people. The friendship between China and Ecuador witnesses sincerity. CGGC will sail in the same boat with Ecuadorian people to beat the natural disaster and rebuild a better home.

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