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Professional team established for legal publicity and education

(english.legalinfo.gov.cn) Updated : 2018-10-25

An expert consultation team was recently established by the office responsible for law popularization to offer advice and a theoretical basis for publicity and education pertaining to the legal system.

The tenure of the first team members starts from this year and ends in 2020.

They will be engaged in policy making and research programs on legal education and publicity.

Promoting the study of the constitution, supporting the construction of legal civilization and improving efficiency of law-governed legal publicity deliverance are also some of the group's duties.

The first expert consultation group includes Zhang Wenxian, vice-president of the China Law Society; Zhang Sujun, deputy director of the Commission of Supervision and Justice of the National People's Congress and Zhuo Zeyuan, vice-minister of the Party School of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China (Chinese Academy of Governance).
