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To engage a lawyer as an agent, what can a person do?

Updated : 2015-06-03

There are two ways that a lawyer can act on one’s behalf – as a general agent, and as a special agent. A general agent means that the agent does not define his or her position in relation to the substantive matter of the case, for example, by getting the party to institute or respond to the prosecutor, provide relevant evidence, present a statement, or engage in debate. Special agent means deciding on the substantive matters of the case directly and taking a clear stand through special authorization of a client. Article 59 of the Civil Procedure Law states that an agent must possess special authorization from his or her client to confirm, relinquish or modify a claim or institute a compromise or file a counterclaim or an appeal.

Can a lawyer’s or agent’s degree of authority be altered?

The limit of authority of a lawyer in economic or civil litigation in relation to the party involved can be changed; for example, the general agent status can be changed to special agent through negotiations and the consent of both parties and vice versa.
