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Lawyers are not allowed to do the following in their practice:

Updated : 2015-06-03

1. Divulge State and commercial secrets of parties concerned or private information of the parties concerned.

2. Represent both parties involved in a same case.

3. Accept authorization privately, levy fees on a client privately, or accept money or things of value from the client.

4. Seek interests of a party that are disputable or accept money or things of value from the opposing party by providing legal services.

5. Meet with a judge, prosecutor, or arbitrator if it violates regulations.

6. Entertain or give gifts to a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or other personnel or give them a bribe, or instigate or induce a party to give them a bribe.

7. Provide false evidence, conceal facts or intimidate a person or induce that person to provide false evidence, conceal facts, or obstruct the opposing party's ability to obtain evidence.

8. Disrupt the order of a court or an arbitration tribunal, or interfere with the normal conduct of litigation or arbitration.

9. Solicit business through unfair means such as slandering other lawyers or paying a middle man.

10. In the case of a former judge or prosecutor, act as an agent or defend someone within two years of leaving a position in the People's Court or People's Procuratorate.
