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Chinese officials join UN Crime and Justice Congress

Updated : 2015-04-23

A Chinese delegation led by Wu Aiying, the justice minister, who were in Doha city for the UN congress, also attended a a promotion meeting on legal aid at the 13th United Nations Congress on crime prevention and criminal justice, on April 13, 2015, in the city of Doha, the capital of Qatar.

The head of the Ministry's legal aid center, Bai Ping, who was among the delegates, addressed the meeting and explained China's legal aid approach and the government innovations in services and security, then added that China hopes to have more exchanges and cooperation with the UN office on drugs and crime and the international community as well.

The head of the UN drug and crime office explained the system by saying it is an important part of a society of laws and thanked the Chinese Justice Ministry for promote legal aid, and said they hope to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China.
