Some Cape Cod beaches closed after shark sightings

Updated: 2010-08-02 09:02
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Miles of popular Cape Cod beaches were closed to swimmers on Friday after spotter planes saw several great white sharks close to shore.

In a notice, the harbormaster in Chatham, Massachusetts, announced indefinite closure of about five miles of coast to swimmers on the eastern shoreline of the town's South Beach.

Three or four sharks were seen from the survey flights on Friday, in the same area that a 12- to 14-foot shark was tagged on Tuesday, the harbormaster's notice said.

Earlier this week, swimmers in Chatham were warned to use caution after a string of shark sightings.

In a previous notice, the harbormaster said that "while it is rare for a shark to strike and attack a human in the water, it can happen."

Sharks have been prevalent this summer in areas where there are also large numbers of seals, a shark food source.