Daily Overview for February 19

Updated: 2010-02-19 06:00
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Daily Overview for February 19

Be prepared for a pleasant surprise. Someone will surpass your expectations.

Patience pays off for you today. It may be frustrating and not feel quite right to you, but that just means you're not seeing the big picture. Speak with an older friend or colleague and you should manage.

Daily Overview for February 19

Your warmth can melt the iciest demeanor. You may have to do just that today.

Your social nature is dominant today, so get out there and mix things up -- or host an impromptu gathering! It should all go perfectly, because you are totally in sync with other people right now.

Daily Overview for February 19

Find a way to give someone your critique without letting it turn into a criticism.

It's important for you to accept criticism today -- though it may be much harder than usual! It's coming your way for sure, but you may need to steel yourself for it when it comes from inside the house.


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