Daily Overview for February 18

Updated: 2010-02-18 17:39
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Daily Overview for February 18

You're ready for more responsibility. With things in your hands, life is worry-free.

Now is a really good time for you to meet new people -- you are sure to impress them, and your ability to cross boundaries with ease should endear you to those from far away in particular.

Daily Overview for February 18

Steer clear of potential areas of conflict. Helping others will bring you great joy.

It's a super day for doing your own thing -- everyone else seems to be! You may run into some trouble if a friend or colleague needs you as part of their scheme, but you are always free to say no.

Daily Overview for February 18

You're a whirlwind, and wherever you go, things improve with your fabulous energy.

What needs to be said? You know for sure how to get your message across, even if you're not sure who all needs to hear it. Broadcast far and wide and hope that you hit all the right ears!


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