Daily Overview for February 15

Updated: 2010-02-15 00:15
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Daily Overview for February 15

Pay attention to what you're saying. Is there another way to express what you mean?

This is not the day to sign. If you have to write a check or sign a credit slip, go for it, of course, but anything involving a binding agreement really needs to wait for a few more days.

Daily Overview for February 15

Make your dreams a reality by distinguishing what you want from what you need.

You can't be stopped today, as long as you're working with friends or colleagues towards a common goal. If you're on your own or at cross purposes with those closest to you, it's time to do something about that!

Daily Overview for February 15

Misplace your glasses on top of your head again? Everybody has those days sometimes.

Today feels a little blurry to you, but not so bad that you need to stay home in bed. You just have to accept that ambiguity is part of the family routine for the time being. Things get better soon!


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