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美国队长变黑人?! 漫画英雄迎来“多元”时代
Black Captain America leading comic book diversity

[ 2014-12-19 10:20] 来源:中国日报网     字号 [] [] []  
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美国队长变黑人?! 漫画英雄迎来“多元”时代


For decades, comic books have been in color, but now they truly reflect all the hues of American society.



The new Captain America is black. A Superman who is suspiciously similar to President Barack Obama recently headlined a comic book. Thor is a woman, Spider-Man is part-Puerto Rican and Ms. Marvel is Muslim.

最近新问世的“美国队长”(Captain America )是黑人。超人最近登上了漫画书的头条,他看起来很像奥巴马总统。雷神托尔(Thor)变成了一位女士,蜘蛛侠则有波多黎各血统,而惊奇女士(Ms. Marvel)是个穆斯林。


Mainstream comic book superheroes — America's modern mythology — have been redrawn from the stereotypical brown-haired, blue-eyed white male into a world of multicolored, multireligious and multigendered crusaders to reflect a greater diversity in their audience.



Society has changed, so superheroes have to as well, said Axel Alonso, editor in chief at Marvel Comics, who in November debuted Captain America No. 1 with Samuel Wilson, the first African American superhero taking over CaptainAmerica's red, white and blue uniform and shield.

漫威漫画公司总编阿克塞尔·阿隆索(Axel Alonso)表示,社会在变,因此超级英雄的形象也需要随之改变。他在11月份首推美国队长1号(Captain America No. 1)塞缪尔·威尔逊,首位非裔美国“超级英雄”,接过美国队长的红白蓝三色制服和盾牌。


"Roles in society aren't what they used to be. There's far more diversity," said Alonso, who has also shepherded a gay wedding in the X-Men, a gender change from male to female in Thor and the first mainstream female Muslim hero in Ms. Marvel.



The change to a black CaptainAmericais already having an impact outside of comics.



Even before the first issue was published, unauthorized images of the black Captain America were shown at a town hall meeting in St. Louis following the funeral of Michael Brown, who was 18 and unarmed when he was killed by a white police officer. This Captain America had his hands up saying "Don't Shoot," a slogan protesters have used to highlight the number of African Americans killed by police.

在第一期漫画出版之前,民间版的“黑人美国队长”形象就已经在圣路易斯州(St.Louis)的市政厅会议上出现。未带武器的黑人少年迈克尔·布朗(Michael Brown)被白人警察枪杀一案引起了极大的抗议。抗议者们在其葬礼后,手举黑人美国队长说“拒绝开枪”的标语,意在强调被白人警察枪杀的非裔美国人数量之多。


The new diverse comic characters are far from the first: Marvel introduced the world to Samuel Wilson as the Falcon, the comic's first African-American superhero, in 1969 as a sidekick to Captain America. In 1977, DC Comics introduced Black Lightning, a schoolteacher who gains electrical powers and becomes a superhero.

新的多元漫画人物也不是首次出现。漫威公司在1969年推出了第一个非裔美国男超级英雄“猎鹰”(the Falcon)形象,作为美国队长的同伴。DC漫画公司(DC Comics )于1977年推出“黑色闪电”系列漫画,讲述了一位学校老师获得闪电超能力并成为超级英雄的故事。


And Marvel isn't the only company looking at diversity. An alternative black Superman, one who is president of theUnited States, is part of a team in DC Comics' "The Multiversity." DC also brags of having more comic books featuring female leads than any other company, including Batgirl, Catwoman, Batwoman and Wonder Woman, the longest-running comic book with a female hero.



(翻译:eileen7 编辑:Helen)





