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[ 2014-04-09 15:57]     字号 [] [] []  
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“这就是英国电影” -英国电影在第四届北京国际电影节


英国文化协会(British Council)和英国电影学会(BFI)将首次与北京国际电影节合作,携10余部英国电影参与4月16日至24日在京举行的第四届北京国际电影节展映单元。

除此之外,在第四届北京国际电影节的其他单元,英国电影也将“无处不在”:在中国电影博物馆召开的动画论坛将邀请阿德曼动画公司(Aardman Animations)的联合创始人和创意总监彼得•洛伊德(Peter Lord)演讲,并放映由他执导的3D动画片《神奇海盗团》;同时在中国电影博物馆展映的还会有英国电影电视艺术学院(BAFTA)带来的数部最佳短片奖提名影片;在中国电影资料馆将放映两部由英国电影学会修复的老片,《地铁》和《伦敦:现代巴比伦》;在尤伦斯当代艺术中心则有艺术电影的放映,其中包括2013年特纳奖获得者劳里•普罗沃斯特(Laure Prouvost)的获奖作品《来杯茶吗?》。

来自英国电影业的数位重量级嘉宾将出席本届北京国际电影节开幕式,其中包括蓝图影业(Blueprint Pictures)的联合创始人彼特•彻宁(Pete Czernin)、海拔电影公司(Altitude)的创始人威尔•克拉克(Will Clarke)、朱利安•贝尔弗雷奇经纪公司(Julian Belfrage Associates)创始人维多利亚•贝尔弗雷奇(Victoria Belfrage)等。

这是英国首次派出阵容强大的电影商业代表团访问中国并参加中国的电影节。英国文化协会中国区主任、英国大使馆文化教育处公使(文化与教育)艾琳(Carma Elliot)和英国电影学会首席执行官阿曼达•尼科尔(Amanda Nevill)表示,“在过去的一年中,我们看到英中两国电影业的接触空前增加:两国互派代表团访问、即将签署备受期待的《中英政府关于合拍影片的协议》、英国松林电影制片厂(Pinewood Studios)和中国万达国际电影城结成新的商业合作伙伴关系……英国文化协会和英国电影学会很高兴能与北京国际电影节以及中国电影行业合作。”


"This is UK Film" - UK Films in the 4th Beijing International Film Festival

It is the first time that British Council and BFI (British Film Institute) take part inBeijing International Film Festival, with more than 10 British films presented in the4th Beijing International Film Festival from 16 to 24April.

British films can be seen “everywhere” in the4th Beijing International Film Festival - Peter Lord, the co-founder and creative director of Aardman Animations, will attend to the Animation Forum held in the China National Film Museum, and the 3DanimationThe Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!directed by Peter will also be presented; five fromBAFTA Short Film Nominees will be presented in the China National Film Museum; two great cinematic portraits of London, Undergroundand London: the ModernBabylon restored by BFI will be presented in the China Film Archive; British artist films, including Wantee, the Turner-Prize-winning piece of 2013 by Laure Prouvost will be presented in UCCA.

Several heavyweights in the British film industry will attend the opening ceremony of 4th Beijing International Film Festival, including Pete Czernin, the co-founder of Blueprint Pictures, Will Clarke, the founder of Altitude, Victoria Belfrage, the founder of Julian Belfrage Associates, etc.

This year marks the beginning of UK’s top film delegation visiting China and participating in China’s Film Festival. Carma Elliot, Director of British Council China and Amanda Nevill,Chief Executive of BFIsaid, “Over the past year, we’ve seen the unprecedented rise in the interaction between Chinese and British film industries - China and UK have sent delegations to each other; the much-expected UK-China Film Co-Production Treatywill be signed; Pinewood Studios will establish business partnership with China’s Wanda International Cinemas; British Council and BFI are delighted to join hands with Beijing International Film Festival and China’s film industry.”

(来源:英国使馆文化教育处,编辑 Helen)





