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Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之五
[ 2009-06-01 09:14 ]










Tom: Oh, my god. That school is amazing. The professors are so engaged, and the kids were open and friendly.

Lynette: Really?

Tom: Yeah. It was inspiring. You were so right to send us.

Lynette: Good. Good. I knew if you saw the campus, you'd have a change of heart.

Preston: Me? Nah. I'm still going to Europe.

Lynette: What was that? I thought you said the tour was fantastic.

Tom: Okay, so Preston still needs a little convincing. But I don't. I'm going back to school.

Lynette: Wh-what's that now?

Tom: Okay. I know it's a little out of left field, but walking across the quad, I felt so alive. I spoke with someone in admissions, and all I have to do is pass an entrance exam.

Lynette: So you would be a college student again, 25 years after the first time?

Tom: But this time--focused. This time, knowing exactly what I wanna major in.

Lynette: Which is?

Tom: Chinese.

Lynette: Chinese?

Housewives: Chinese?

Gabrielle: As in "moo goo gai pan" chinese?

Susan: What's he gonna do with that, watch bruce lee movies without the subtitles?

Lynette: We didn't get that far. I felt faint, and he left to go buy a backpack.

Bree: Lynette, that's bad.

Lynette: Well, it's just so random, and the worst part is if I point that out, I'm a bitch.

Susan: Why is that? When did being practical and realistic become synonymous with bitchiness?

Gabrielle: The first time a man did something stupid, and a woman pointed it out.

Lynette: I know Tom. He's going to learn how to count to ten in Chinese, then he'll get bored and move on to his new dream of becoming a beekeeper.

Gabrielle: Well, then you have no choice. Bite the bullet and bitch.

Bree: No, she has a choice. It's entirely possible to get what you want without being perceived of as a nagging shrew.

Lynette: Please, sensei, instruct me in your ancient ways.

Bree: Well, the key is to not let them know what you're doing. This requires observation, cunning and manipulation.

Gabrielle: Isn't it just easier to shut down your hoo-ha until he gives in?

Susan: I think that Bree is right-- that the more Tom sees you digging in your heels, the more he's gonna wanna do it.

Bree: So you wait for an opportunity that you can use to your advantage while at the same time appearing supportive.

Lynette: That's your advice? Hope an opportunity just drops in my lap? Might as well start shopping for beekeeper suits.

Susan: Oh, you guys, I'm sorry. I gotta run.


1.out of left field: 与主题无关的。影片中Lynette一心想让Preston对上大学感兴趣,Tom突然冒出他想去大学就读的想法,,他说:“我知道有点不着边际。”来看例句:

This idea is way out of left field. 这个想法实在太荒谬了。

2.bite the bullet:忍受困难或勉为其难做某事。影片中Gabrielle说:“那你别无选择 只能硬着头皮唠叨了。”来看例句:

The president called the people to bite the bullet and make personal sacrifices. 总统号召人民忍受痛苦,作出个人牺牲。

3.hoo-ha: 喧闹、吵闹、骚动。影片中Gabrielle说:“跟他大吵一架,让他放弃不是更简单。” 相关阅读:遇事别hoo-ha

What are they making such a hoo-ha about? 们这样吵吵闹闹是怎么回事?

There was a terrific hoo-ha about who should pay.对谁该付款这区区小问题争吵得不可开交。

4.dig in one's heels:采取坚定的立场,固执己见。影片中Susan说到:“你越是反对,他越是铁了心要干。”来看例句:

dig one's heels in against stimulating the economy 坚决反对对经济采取采用刺激手段

The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their heels on the last two major issues. 谈判代表受命在最后两大问题上采取寸步不让的坚定立场。

5.Might as well:最好...,还是(不妨)...的好。影片中Lynette无奈的说:“我还是先替他备好养蜂的行头吧。”来看例句:

I might as well go. 我最好还是去。

You might as well tell her the truth. 你倒不如把真相告诉她。



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