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Ratatouille 《料理鼠王》精讲之三
[ 2009-01-20 18:03 ]

文化面面观:法国美食的家世和艳影  提到法国美食,这还要从16世纪法国国王亨利四世大帝(Henry IV the Great)说起。在他在位之前,法国还是处于用手抓饭的“蛮荒”状态所谓的美食更是无从谈起......




Ego: What is it, Ambrister?

Ambrister: Gusteau's.

Ego: Finally closing, is it?

Ambrister: No.

Ego: More financial trouble?

Ambrister: No, it's...

Ego: Announced a new line of microwave egg rolls? What? What? Spit it out!

Ambrister: It's come back. It's popular.

Ego: I haven't reviewed Gusteau's in years.

Ambrister: No, sir.

Ego: My last review condemned it to the tourist trade.

Ambrister: Yes, sir.

Ego: I said, "Gusteau has finally found his rightful place in history right alongside another equally famous chef, Monsieur Boyardee."

Ambrister: Touche.

Ego: That is where I left it. That was my last word. The last word.

Ambrister: Yes.

Ego: Then tell me, Ambrister, how could it be popular?

Skinner: No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Lawyer: The DNA matches, the timing works, everything checks out. He is Gusteau's son.

Skinner: This can't just happen! The whole thing is a setup! The boy knows! Look at him out there, pretending to be an idiot. He's toying with my mind like a cat with a ball of... something.

Lawyer: String? –

Skinner: Yes! Playing dumb. Taunting me with that rat.

Lawyer: Rat?

Skinner: Yes. He's consorting with it. Deliberately trying to make me think it's important.

Lawyer: The rat. –

Skinner: Exactly!

Lawyer: Is the rat important?

Skinner: Of course not! He just wants me to think that it is.


1. spit out: 吐出,说出,咒骂出。“Spit it out!”就是“快说!”,又如:spit out an oath(切齿诅咒),spit out curses at the enemy(咒骂敌人),spit out the pips(吐核儿).

I been spit out off stage. 我被嘘下舞台。

He spit out the curse from between his teeth. 他从牙缝里恶狠狠地咒骂着。

Spit it out! How much do you want to borrow this time? 说吧!这次你想借多少钱?

2. touche: 讲得好!

3. check out: 多用于表示“结帐后离开,检查,核查”,也可以表示结果属实、吻合。台词中,律师说:“DNA吻合,时间也准,一切都无懈可击。”来看check out的多重含义:

Does her story check out? 她讲的情况是否查对属实?

I would like to check out. 我想结帐。

Are you ready to check out? 你准备好退房了吗?

Did you check out of the office? 你办了离职手续了吗?

Your papers all check out. 所有的文件都没问题。

4. toy with: 戏弄,玩弄,漫不经心处理。例如toy with great issues(把重大问题当儿戏),

Don't toy with the cat's tail! 不要玩弄猫的尾巴。

Never toy with a woman's feelings or it could be the worse for you!


5. play dumb: 装哑巴,装傻。来看例句:

When the police get here, Let's play dumb, I don't want to get in trouble for something I didn't do. 警察来这时,咱们得装傻。我可不想卷入麻烦,我可什么都没做啊!


Don't act fool. 别装傻。

Don't play stupid with me. 不要装傻。

Don't be a cluck. 别装傻了。

I know you were only playing possum. 我知道你当时只不过是装傻而已。

6. taunt: 嘲笑、取笑、(成为)笑柄。Skinner气愤地说:“(那男孩)装疯卖傻,用一只老鼠来嘲弄我。”来看例句:

Don't taunt him with cowardice. 别嘲笑他胆小。

Why do the other children taunt him with having red hair? 为什么别的小孩子讥笑他有红头发?

来了解更多“嘲笑”的表达法,最常见的是laugh at sb,此外还有make a mockery of, make fun of, poked fun at等等。become a mockery指的是“成为嘲笑的对象”

文化面面观:法国美食的家世和艳影  提到法国美食,这还要从16世纪法国国王亨利四世大帝(Henry IV the Great)说起。在他在位之前,法国还是处于用手抓饭的“蛮荒”状态所谓的美食更是无从谈起......


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