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The Queen《女王》精讲之三
[ 2009-01-09 18:36 ]

影评: 描述英国王室的影片并不稀奇,甚至拿王室成员开玩笑也常见,但直接以现任女王为主角,则前所未有......




Alastair: They sent a copy of The Queen's speech. Well, let's get the frost off it first. I've phoned them with a couple of suggestions to make it sound like it came from a human being.

Tony Blair: Yeah, alright.

Alastair: Well at least the old bat has finally agreed to visit Diana's coffin.

Tony Blair: When you get it wrong, you really get it wrong. That woman has given her whole life in service to her people, 50 years doing the job. She never wanted a job she watched kill her father. She's executed it with honour, dignity, and as far as I could tell, without a single blemish. And now we're all baying for her blood! All because she's struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who threw everything she offered back in her face, and who for the last few years seemed committed 24/7 to destroying everything she holds most dear.

Queen: Hello. Would you like me to place those for you?

Little girl: No.

Queen: Oh.

Little girl: These are for you.

Queen: For me? Thank you. Thank you very much.


1. get the frost off: 除霜。出言刻薄的Alastair其实在这里用了个隐喻,他认为女王的发言稿太冷漠,简直结了霜。

2. old batbat是蝙蝠,batman就是蝙蝠侠。可old bat却不是什么好词,是对妓女的戏称,这个俚语的发源可以追溯到17世纪,现在已经不多见了。蝙蝠总是出没在夜间,而从事特殊职业的女性也有这一特性。可见Alastair出语有多不逊。

3. get it wrong:出错、误会、冤枉。来看例句:

It's easy to get wrong. 这么做容易出错。

Don't get me wrong. 不要误会我。

So if I get anything wrong, you blame me, okay? 如果我哪里冒犯了,就教训我,好吗?

4. bay: 做名词表示海湾, 狗吠声, 绝路,在这里是动词,意思是“吠叫着进攻”。Tony Blair在此也用了个隐喻。他为女王伸冤,说女王这么多年兢兢业业也很不容易,而现在,众人却“吠叫着要喝她的血”,很形象地刻画出一个陷入困境的女王和一群不支持的狂热民众形象。


I had rather be a dog,and bay the moon,then such a Roman. 我宁愿做一头向月亮狂吠的狗,也不愿做这样一个罗马人。

5. throw sth. in sb.'s face: 把...扔在某人脸上,看例子:

If you don't get away from me, I'll throw this water right in your face. 你再不走,我就把这杯水泼到你脸上。

She picks up a teacup and throws it in his face. 她拿起茶碗对他照脸就打。

这短语也可以用来带侮辱性地(或责难地)提醒某人(的错误、失败、缺陷等),以某事当面责难(或凌辱)某人,比如throw a lie in sb.'s face(当面戳穿某人说谎)。

There's no need to throw his recent failure in his face in that unkind way. 没有必要那样不客气地指责他最近的失败。

剧中,Tony Blair说女王带领着世界哀悼戴安娜,而戴安娜却曾经不客气地“把女王给予她的一切全部扔回”。

6. be committed to:忠于某一立场;坚定的;孜孜不倦地;有义务的;尽力于。


You should be committed to taking care of your grandmother. 你应当有义务照顾你的祖母。

They must really be committed to staff development. 他们一定非常关心员工的发展。

The successful person must be self-motivated, be trust worthy and committed to success. 要积极进取,值得信赖,并且渴望成功。

7. 24/7:意思是一天二十四小时,一周七天都工作/营业,或者是没日没夜地干什么事。Tony Blair说戴安娜“在过去的几年里每天每夜都致力于损坏女王最珍贵的东西。”

In the US a lot of small diners, convenience stores and gas stations are open 24-7. 在美国,很多小饭馆、便利店和加油站都是二十四小时营业的。

影评: 描述英国王室的影片并不稀奇,甚至拿王室成员开玩笑也常见,但直接以现任女王为主角,则前所未有......


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