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  Lai deportation ruled on today

[ 2006-06-01 09:26 ]



Lai Changxing. Chinese fugitive Changxing's deportation to China was postponed, after Canada's Federal Court scheduled a hearing on May 31 in his last-ditch effort to remain in Canada. 

The chief Canadian justice sitting on the accused smuggling kingpin Lai Changxing case is expected to give a ruling June today in Ottawa, on Thursday local time. 

A Canadian court said Wednesday that it had got renewed promise from Beijing not to execute its Number one fugitive Lai, if he is deported from Canada.

It is reported that Canada has sought pledge from Chinese government after comments from a foreign ministry official in Beijing last week indicated it might back away from a diplomatic promise to give the most wanted man leniency.

"The government did get a new assurance from the Chinese side," Canadian lawyer Esta Resnick told a court hearing in Ottawa where Lai is asking for a delay in his pending deportation back to China, according to a Reuter report.

Canada does not have capital punishment and has refused to extradite people to countries where they face execution if convicted. It received Beijing's pledge in a diplomatic note in 2001 the documents in Lai's immigration case revealed.

Lai had been scheduled to be removed from Canada last week, but that was put on hold for this hearing. Lai's attorney wants a delay so Lai can argue that Canadian officials have been biased in handling the case.

Justice Carolyn Layden-Stevenson said she expects to rule on Thursday local time (Friday Beijing Time). If she refuses to delay the deportation, Lai is slated for removal on Friday.

Lai is accused of masterminding a multibillion-dollar operation that bribed Chinese officials and police to avoid taxes and duties on goods ranging from fuel to cigarettes smuggled into China in the 1990s.

Lai, who came to Canada in 1999, has sought asylum in Canada on the grounds he would be put to death if convicted in China.

(China Daily)


sit on: to postpone action or resolution regarding(拖延,搁置)

kingpin: the most important person or element in an enterprise or a system(某团体或团伙中首要人物);新闻中smuggling kingpin可翻译为“走私案涉嫌主犯”。



hearing: 听证会

capital punishment:死刑

extradite: to give up or deliver a fugitive to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority(引渡,放弃对逃犯的合法审判权并把逃犯引渡给逃犯所在国当局)

slate:to schedule or designate(安排或指定);例如:The art history lecture is slated for Thursday afternoon.(艺术史讲座排在了星期四下午)

mastermind: 策划、指挥;例如:The police know who masterminded the robbery.(警察知道是谁策划了那次抢劫。)

seek asylum:寻求(政治)保护
