
An old hand 英国人也说“老手”

一起来学习“an old hand”这个和人的“经验、技巧”有关的常用说法。

An old hand 英国人也说“老手”

文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。)

Feifei大家好,欢迎来到 BBC 英语教学的《地道英语》,我是冯菲菲。

NeilAnd I'm Neil. Hey Feifei, shouldn't we be celebrating?

Feifei庆祝?我们为什么要庆祝啊? Why?

NeilHaven't we presented a hundred of these Authentic Real English programmes together?

FeifeiA hundred? Oh no, we've done way more than that. I could present these programmes standing on my head!

NeilOh, that I would love to see!

FeifeiNot literally – I mean do it easily, without difficulty. 在英语里,我们用表达“standing on your head 倒立”来指“做某事轻而易举,毫不费力”,但并不是说我真的要一边“拿大顶”,一边录节目。

NeilI know that Feifei, but you probably could present this programme standing on your head because you're an old hand at it.

FeifeiExcuse me? 竟然说我的手看起来很老,简直太没礼貌了!How rude!

NeilDon't worry, I wasn't referring to your hands – they look lovely. If you are an old hand at doing something, it means you are very skilled and experienced. It was a compliment!

FeifeiOh right, thanks. 所以,“an old hand”其实是一句用来称赞别人的话,相当于汉语中说的“老手”。如果我说某个人是“an old hand”,其实是在夸这个人做某事非常熟练、富有经验。下面我们来听一听这个表达在实际会话中的应用。

ExamplesLet's get Mike in to solve our IT problem, shall we? He's an old hand at fixing computers.

Miguel is an old hand at map reading so let's make him the leader on our mountain trek.

I can see you're an old hand at project management. It would have taken me days to create a spreadsheet like that!

Feifei这里是 BBC 英语教学的《地道英语》节目。这次我们要学习的地道表达是“an old hand”,它用来形容一个人精通于做某事,或者描述一个人是某个行当的“老手”。

NeilIt's a handy phrase, isn't it! But come on, Feifei, you are such 'an old hand', why not have a go at really presenting standing on your head?

FeifeiOK, Neil, as you're paying me a compliment. Here goes… oh, give a hand…Ouch!

NeilAre you OK? I think you should stick to doing what you are most skilled and experienced at.

FeifeiYou mean not listening to your silly suggestions.

NeilI'm an old hand at making silly suggestions, Feifei!

FeifeiHmmm, let's forget our celebration, shall we! Bye!


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