




SHOULD HAVE WON: "The Ten Commandments" (1956) 本该获奖:《十诫》(1956年)

Cecil B. DeMille's final directing effort still holds strong today. With its all-star cast, particularly the incredible performance by Charlton Heston as Moses (he didn't even get an Oscar nomination for the role), and its remarkable effects for that era, it's a movie that should have been recognized with the top prize. 西尔·B·戴米尔导演的封山之作时至今日仍然影响深远。这部电影的全明星阵容,尤其是摩西扮演者查尔顿·赫斯顿出神入化的表演(他当年连奥斯卡提名都没得到),还有这部影片在当时引起的轰动效应,都是这部电影应该获得奥斯卡最高奖项的理由。

WINNER: "Around the World in 80 Days" 当年赢家:《环游世界八十天》

Based on the Jules Verne novel, this film used all of Hollywood's resources (a $6 million budget in the 1950s was far from cheap) to create a sprawling look at the world, but the story of a super-rich English gentleman Phileas Fogg who attempts to win his wager to navigate the globe is silly and far from memorable. 这部基于儒勒·凡尔纳小说的电影为了拍出环游世界的画面,动用了好莱坞的所有资源(耗资高达600万美元,在当时算是很高的),但是电影中讲述的超级富有的英国绅士斐利亚·福克为了打赌获胜而环游世界的故事却很傻而且没给人留下什么印象。

SHOULD HAVE WON: "Raging Bull" (1980) 本该获奖:《愤怒的公牛》(1980年)

What might be Martin Scorsese's masterpiece, this look inside the madness of middleweight boxer Jake LaMotta had an incredible performance from Robert De Niro. Beyond that, the cinematography, the deranged writing of Paul Schrader, and the editing of Thelma Schoonmaker (which marked the first time she and Scorsese worked together; she's done his films ever since) were so on the mark, it's baffling how the Academy didn't get it. 这部电影堪称马丁·斯科塞斯的杰作,影片窥探了中量级拳击手杰克·拉莫塔内心的疯狂,罗伯特·德尼罗的表演也十分出彩。除此以外,该片的摄影、保罗·施拉德的疯狂剧本、塞尔玛•斯昆梅克的剪辑(这是她和斯科塞斯首次合作,自那以后她就一直给他的电影做剪辑)都恰到好处,所以最终没能获评奥斯卡奖真是让人费解。

WINNER: "Ordinary People" 当年赢家:《普通人》

The late 1970s and early 1980s were when the melodrama was at its zenith in movie theaters, and "Ordinary People" came around at the perfect time. The film didn't just win best picture — it also achieved best director for Robert Redford and best actor for Timothy Hutton. Granted, the film has explosive performances in it, but there needs to be more than great acting to win best picture. 上世纪70年代末和80年代初正值情节剧电影的鼎盛时期,而《普通人》上映的正是时候。电影不光获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖,还将最佳导演奖(罗伯特·雷德福)和最佳男演员奖(蒂莫西·哈顿)收入囊中。诚然,这部电影的表演是很有爆发力,但是出色的表演还不足以让这部电影获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖。

SHOULD HAVE WON: "L.A. Confidential" (1997) 本该获奖:《洛城机密》(1997年)

Curtis Hanson's adaptation of James Ellroy's pulp novel of crooked cops in the City of Angels is one of the best modern-day noirs ever made. And with actors Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, and Guy Pearce owning their roles in an ensemble, the movie is a gripping drama with a lot more suspense than "Titanic" had. 柯蒂斯·汉森的这部电影改编自詹姆斯·艾尔罗伊关于洛杉矶坏警察的低俗小说,是有史以来最出色的现代黑色电影之一。凯文·史派西、罗素·克劳和盖·皮尔斯对各自角色的演绎都很到位。相比《泰坦尼克号》,《洛城机密》的悬念更多,更扣人心弦。

WINNER: "Titanic" 当年赢家:《泰坦尼克号》

James Cameron's love story on the doomed ship was a box-office sensation that made Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet superstars. But a best picture winner? It's one of the rare times that the Academy went with what the mass audience liked, but we feel there was a more deserving winner ... 詹姆斯·卡梅隆这部讲述沉船上的爱情故事的电影创下了票房奇迹,并让莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和凯特·温斯莱特成为了超级巨星。至于获得奥斯卡奖?这一次奥斯卡评委罕见地选择了大众喜欢的电影,然而更有资格获得奥斯卡奖的影片上面已经提过了。

SHOULD HAVE WON: "The Social Network" (2010) 本该获奖:《社交网络》(2010年)

In a perfect example of the age bias of the Academy, more members could relate with a movie set in the late 1930s than with the birth of Facebook. David Fincher's dramatization of the rise of Mark Zuckerberg is a movie looking at the now and most likely went over the heads of the older voters. 《社交网络》没有获评奥斯卡奖是评委年龄偏见的一个绝佳例子,比起脸谱网诞生的时代,以上世纪30年代末为背景拍摄的电影能让更多评委产生共鸣。大卫·芬奇这部讲述马克·扎克伯格崛起的电影关注的是当代,所以那些年长评委很可能根本就没有考虑这部影片。

WINNER: "The King's Speech" 当年赢家:《国王的演讲》

Colin Firth (who won an Oscar for his performance) and Geoffrey Rush are great in the movie, but there really isn't much else to go crazy about in this look at King George VI's (Firth) public-speaking woes. 科林·菲尔斯(他凭借在此片中的表演获得奥斯卡奖)和杰弗里·拉什在电影中的表现都很出色,但是除此以外,这部关于乔治六世(科林·菲尔斯饰演)公共演讲苦恼的电影真没什么好看的。

SHOULD HAVE WON: "The Pianist" (2002) 本该获奖:《钢琴家》(2002年)

What should have won the prize was Roman Polanski's unflinching look at a Jewish musician's struggle to survive the Warsaw Ghetto in World War II. Polanski himself received an Oscar, as did lead actor Adrien Brody, but the voters went with something more upbeat than this moving work in the final round. 本应获得奥斯卡奖的是罗门·波兰斯基导演的这部电影,该片赤裸裸地呈现了二战期间一名犹太音乐家在华沙犹太人区艰难存活的故事。波兰斯基和主演阿德里安·布劳迪都获得了奥斯卡奖,但是评委却在最后一个回合放弃了这部感人的电影,选择了另一部更欢乐的电影。

WINNER: "Chicago" 当年赢家:《芝加哥》

The movie musical suddenly became hot again in the early 2000s, with "Chicago" winning six Oscars, including best picture. But honestly, unless you happen to be obsessed with musicals, have you even thought about this movie in the past decade? 本世纪初,音乐电影突然又火了起来,《芝加哥》一举斩获6个奥斯卡奖项,包括最佳影片奖。但是说实话,除非你正好对音乐剧特别痴迷,不然的话你过去十年可曾想起过这部电影?

SHOULD HAVE WON: "Goodfellas" (1990) 本该获奖:《好家伙》(1990年)

Scorsese was snubbed once more with "Goodfellas." One of his more popular films, this one was thought to be what would finally get not just a best picture win for a Scorsese film but a best director honor for the legend. But it was Costner's night. 斯科塞斯导演的作品再次受到了冷落。作为斯科塞斯比较受欢迎的电影之一,《好家伙》在当时被认为不仅会得到奥斯卡最佳影片奖,还会得到最佳导演奖。但这个奥斯卡之夜是属于凯文·科斯特纳的。

WINNER: "Dances with Wolves" 当年赢家:《与狼共舞》

Kevin Costner directs and stars in this look at a soldier on a remote Western Civil War outpost who befriends Native Americans. Though it initially received positive reviews, many in the Native American community began highlighting its inaccuracies about their culture. Also, there's one film that was up for the prize that many felt was more deserving. 凯文·科斯特纳导演并主演的这部电影讲述了美国内战时期一名士兵在遥远的西部前线和美洲印第安人结下友情的故事。尽管这部影片一开始获得了正面的评价,但是原住民区的很多人指出这部影片关于印第安文化的描述不实。此外,许多人认为另一部电影更有资格获得奥斯卡奖。

SHOULD HAVE WON: "Brokeback Mountain" (2005) 本该获奖:《断背山》(2005年)

Some believe that it was the voter's discomfort with the subject matter in "Brokeback Mountain," which looked at the secret love affair between two cowboys (Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger), that gave the win to "Crash." It's hard to think they would give director Ang Lee the best director Oscar if that were the case. Whatever it was, not getting the best picture win hasn't made this film any less great. 《断背山》描述了两个牛仔(杰克·吉伦哈尔和希斯·莱杰饰演)之间的秘密恋情。有些人认为,《断背山》没有获得奥斯卡奖是因为该片的主题让评委感到不舒服,所以才把最佳影片奖给了《撞车》。如果是这样的话,难以想象这些评委会把最佳导演奖颁给李安。无论是什么情况,没有获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖并不会有损这部电影的伟大。

WINNER: "Crash" 当年赢家:《撞车》

Critics were certainly split on the film. Some have called it the worst movie of the early 2000s. 评论界对这部电影褒贬不一。有人称它为21世纪初期最烂的电影。

SHOULD HAVE WON: "Citizen Kane" (1941) 本该获奖:《公民凯恩》(1941年)

Regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, if not the greatest, and a hit when it opened, Orson Welles' portrait of a newspaper tycoon broke all the rules and proved Welles a genius — and he wasn't even in his 30s yet. The only problem was he based the movie on William Randolph Hearst, who was still alive and didn't like the movie one bit. And Hearst had a lot of Hollywood friends.《公民凯恩》被视为有史以来最伟大的电影之一,而且一上映就火了。导演奥逊·威尔斯对新闻大亨的刻画打破了所有规则,并证明自己是个天才——而他那时还不到三十岁。唯一的问题是这部电影基于威廉·蓝道夫·赫斯特的真实故事,赫斯特当时仍然在世,他一点也不喜欢这部电影。而且赫斯特在好莱坞有很多朋友。

WINNER: "How Green Was My Valley" 当年赢家:《青山翠谷》

Directed by John Ford, this story of a coal-mining family at the turn of the century seems to have the pedigree for Oscar love. But then you see the other film that was nominated ... 约翰·福特导演的这部讲述世纪之交矿工家庭故事的电影似乎就是为奥斯卡奖而生的。但是如果你看了另外一部被提名的电影你就不这么想了。

SHOULD HAVE WON: "Saving Private Ryan" (1998) 本该获奖:《拯救大兵瑞恩》(1998年)

Steven Spielberg's riveting look at the horrors of World War II is a movie that will go down in history as one of the greatest war movies ever made, but it didn't get Oscar's biggest prize. 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格的这部聚焦二战残酷的电影是有史以来最伟大的战争电影之一,并将永垂青史,然而它却没能摘得奥斯卡最大的奖项。

WINNER: "Shakespeare in Love" 当年赢家:《莎翁情史》

This fictitious tale of how a young William Shakespeare created "Romeo & Juliet" is fun for a Friday-night watch, but to put it in the category of best picture winner now seems absurd. 这部基于虚构故事的电影讲述了年轻的威廉·莎士比亚是如何创作出《罗密欧和朱丽叶》的。这部电影在周末晚上看看是挺有趣的,但是被选为奥斯卡最佳影片在现在看来似乎很荒唐。
