



Implementing the national big data strategy to better serve social and economic development and improve people's lives should be accelerated, President Xi Jinping said at a key meeting. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remark at a collective study session of the CPC Central Committee's Political Bureau on Friday.中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平12月8日主持中共中央政治局集体学习时强调,要推动实施国家大数据战略,更好服务我国经济社会发展和人民生活改善。

大数据(big data)指规模巨大且复杂,用现有的数据处理工具(on-hand database management tools)难以获取(capture)、整理( curate)、管理( manage)以及处理(process)的数据信息统称。大数据的特点可以总结为4V:volume(大量)、velocity(高速)、variety(多变)、veracity(准确)。


我们要瞄准世界科技前沿,集中优势资源突破大数据核心技术,加快构建自主可控的大数据产业链、价值链和生态系统。We should target cutting-edge technology and mobilize prime resources to make breakthroughs in developing core big data technology, and accelerate building an independent and controllable industrial chain, value chain and eco-system of big data.

建设现代化经济体系离不开大数据发展和应用。Research on and use of big data is indispensable in building a modern economy.

推动互联网、大数据、人工智能同实体经济深度融合,继续做好信息化和工业化深度融合这篇大文章。The internet, big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the real economy should be interconnected. Industrialization and the use of information should be integrated deeper.

要运用大数据促进保障和改善民生。Better use big data to guarantee and improve people's wellbeing

推进“互联网+教育”、“互联网+医疗”、“互联网+文化”等,不断提升公共服务均等化、普惠化、便捷化水平。The advancement of "Internet plus education," "Internet plus medical treatment" and "Internet plus culture" to further ensure citizens' equitable access to public services.

要加强精准扶贫、生态环境领域的大数据运用。Big data should be used extensively in implementing targeted poverty reduction and environmental protection

强化国家关键数据资源保护能力,加快法规制度建设,完善数据产权保护制度。Strengthen the ability to protect the nation's crucial data resources, speed up relevant legislation, and improve protection of data property rights.

要加大对技术专利、数字版权、数字内容产品及个人隐私等的保护力度,维护广大人民群众利益、社会稳定、国家安全。Protection of technical patents, digital copyrights and individual privacy should be enhanced to safeguard people's interests, social stability and national security.

善于获取数据、分析数据、运用数据,是领导干部做好工作的基本功。The ability to obtain, analyze and use data is the basic skill for leading officials to perform their duty.

《“十三五”规划纲要》提出实施国家大数据战略(implement the national big data strategy),“把大数据作为基础性战略资源,全面实施促进大数据发展行动,加快推动数据资源共享开放和开发应用,助力产业转型升级和社会治理创新。(We will make big data a fundamental strategic resource and fully implement a plan for its development, accelerating the opening, sharing, development, and application of data resources so as to help transform and upgrade industries and bring about innovations in social governance)”


第一节 加快政府数据开放共享Section 1 Opening and Sharing of Government Data

全面推进重点领域大数据高效采集、有效整合,深化政府数据和社会数据关联分析、融合利用,提高宏观调控、市场监管、社会治理和公共服务精准性和有效性。依托政府数据统一共享交换平台,加快推进跨部门数据资源共享共用。加快建设国家政府数据统一开放平台,推动政府信息系统和公共数据互联开放共享。制定政府数据共享开放目录,依法推进数据资源向社会开放。统筹布局建设国家大数据平台、数据中心等基础设施。研究制定数据开放、保护等法律法规,制定政府信息资源管理办法。We will promote the efficient collection and integration of big data in all key areas and deepen correlation analysis and integrated utilization of government and social data so as to increase the precision and effectiveness of macroeconomic regulation, market supervision, social governance, and public services. We will accelerate efforts to facilitate inter-departmental sharing and use of data resources through unified platforms for sharing and exchanging government data. We will ensure that government information systems and public data are interconnected, open, and shared by moving faster to establish an open national platform for government data. We will create a government data release and sharing catalogue and publically release data resources in accordance with the law. We will conduct overall planning for the development of infrastructure such as national big data platforms and data centers. We will conduct research on the formulation of data sharing and protection laws and regulations and introduce regulations for the management of government information resources.

第二节 促进大数据产业健康发展Section 2 Sound Development of Big Data Industries

深化大数据在各行业的创新应用,探索与传统产业协同发展新业态新模式,加快完善大数据产业链。加快海量数据采集、存储、清洗、分析发掘、可视化、安全与隐私保护等领域关键技术攻关。促进大数据软硬件产品发展。完善大数据产业公共服务支撑体系和生态体系,加强标准体系和质量技术基础建设。We will work to see the innovative application of big data in all industries, explore new forms and models of collaborative development between big data industries and traditional industries, and move faster to improve big data industrial chains. We will accelerate efforts to tackle key technological issues in fields such as massive data collection, storage, redaction, analysis, visualization, and privacy protection. We will promote the development of big data hardware and software products. We will improve public service support systems and ecosystems for big data industries and strengthen relevant standards and quality requirements.

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)