


最近,陈冠希在第二届纽约中美发展论坛(US-China Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development Forum)的演讲在微博上火了。

论坛在纽约大学(New York University)举行。面对台下的中国留学生,陈冠希以一个创业者和音乐人的身份告诉大家,金钱永远第二,热爱才最重要。







I think one common mistake that a lot of people make is say "it's good for China, it's good for China". 我认为很多人常犯的一个错误是总说,“这个东西在中国算好的了。


People watch a movie that's Chinese and they say "Oh, that was a good movie for a Chinese movie". 人们看了国产电影会说:“这部电影在中国电影里算好的了。”

For me that doesn't cut it. That doesn't make sense to me. 对我来说这不行,也说不通。

doesn't cut it: (口) 不够好;不行


A movie is a movie. It shouldn't be "because it's a Chinese movie, there's lower standard". 电影就是电影,不能因为它是国产电影,就降低标准。

The level of quality of work does not differ in different countries. 工作质量的标准不该因国家的不同而改变。


A lot of us may be already thinking that China is the next market, China is the next superpower. There's a lot money to be made there. Sure, but you cannot lose the integrity of what you do and what you represent for money. 很多人认为中国是下一个巨大市场,是潜在的超级大国,在那里可以挣到很多钱。当然,但是你不能为了钱而失去做人做事的品质。

Everything has to be good on an international level and only then will we be able to stand proudly and say "this is Chinese made". 一切优秀都需要在国际的标准下才行,只有这样,我们才能充满自信地称“这是中国制造”。


I remember something very, very, very, very alarming to me is when I said: "we're made in China." And everyone's like: "Oh my god, that's horrible." 我记得有件非常有警示作用的一件事,当我说我们是中国制造时,所有人都惊呼“天啊,那也太糟糕了。”



I've been trying to be made in China, creatively designed in China. Everything is from a Chinese perspective. 我一直坚持做中国制造、中国创造的产品。一切都是从中国视角出发的。



And I said "half of your shoes are made in China, what are you talking about." 我就说:“你们有一半的鞋都产自中国,你在开玩笑吗?”

"How can you not give us a voice in the international market when you rely on our people to make half of your products?" “依靠我们的人力生产你们市场上一半的产品,你们怎么能不给我们话语权?”

陈冠希用了三年的时间向耐克证明了中国制造的质量并不比别人差。直到十年后的今天, 陈冠希旗下的品牌仍在制造耐克鞋子,还与耐克签了合约。


That's perseverance and that's a really, really, really, really hard work. 这是一种坚韧不拔的精神,也是非常非常难的工作。


A good product will sell itself. It doesn't have to say (it was) made where. 一件好产品会自己证明自己,而无需强调它产自哪里。

The importance of all you guys is to understand that everything that we do, we should be doing it at an international level. 重要的是你们要明白我们做的一切,都要按照国际的标准去做。



People might not understand what you’re talking about or what you’re thinking. But if you have a good idea, sooner or later, they’re gonna jump on and they’re gonna start giving you praise. 人们不一定会理解你所表达的,或者是你所想的事情。但如果你有一个好的想法,人们早晚都会跟随你的脚步,赏识你的想法。

他用嘻哈音乐(hip-hop music)做例子:

他说,他做了嘻哈音乐10到15年,而现在嘻哈在中国变得非常流行(super popular)。这也是他锲而不舍(perseverance),对他所做的事充满信念的一个例子。


It might be that all tech is really in right now and you’re like, “Oh, I’m gonna go to that market and try to make some money." Nine out of 10 times you will lose. Because you’re only trying to do it for finance. 现在有的科技领域是很火的,但如果你想要大赚一笔,那么十次有九次你都会失败,因为你只是为了钱。

Finance is secondary, passion is first. Because if you have passion for something, no matter how hard it is, it’s all worth it. 金钱永远都排在第二位,热爱才是最重要的。因为如果你热爱,那么再多困难都是值得的。


If you go into an industry only because there is money or "my mother told me to go do it", I feel sorry for you. Because you’re gonna have a terrible life, and every day you wake up you’re gonna have to look at yourself in the mirror and you’re gonna be sad. 如果你因为钱或者母亲的意愿进入某个领域,那我为你感到可悲。因为你的人生将会非常悲惨。你每天早上照镜子,都会感到沮丧。


Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams, and really find your own groove and stick to it, believe in it. 相信自己,相信梦想。要找到你想做的事,相信它,坚持下去。



I think what matters is to be able to inspire the next generation. 我觉得更重要的事,是能够启发下一代人。


We are one of the largest nations. We're becoming more and more important on the international level. And what is most important is the next generation. 我们是世界上最大的国家之一,我们在国际上的地位越来越重要。所以最重要的就是这下一代人。


A lot of people say, "Edison you can't change this." And I reply: "Yeah, but I'm gonna try." 很多人跟我说,“冠希你改变不了这个现状。”我说:“是啊,但我还是要试试。”

And even if I don't succeed, if I've inspired this guy right there, and he is the next guy, then I've done my job. 就算我没有成功,但如果我做的事启发了面前这个人,后继有人了,我就已经完成任务了。

It doesn't have to happen in my lifetime. 这些改变不一定要在我的有生之年实现。


I believe one day we really will be the most influential and most powerful country in the world. 我相信总有一天我们的国家真的能成为世界上最强大、最有影响力的国家。


I'm 37. I'm old. You guys are the young ones. So hopefully you guys can really follow your dreams, understand what the level of quality is and keep at it. 我已经37岁了,我已经老了。你们才是年轻一代。希望你们能真正追随自己的梦想,懂得什么是真正的品质,并且一直保持下去。

In a few years, I'll be retired, and hopefully living on an island, sun tanning. And hopefully you guys can be the next ones to push the envelope. 过几年,我就退休了,希望到时能生活在一个小岛上,晒着日光浴。希望你们会是下一批挑战极限的人们。

push the envelope:挑战极限


I'm Chinese. I was born in Canada, but I truly believe I'm Chinese. I may not speak the best Mandarin, but I definitely know my culture and my roots. Hopefully you guys will remember where you come from and what you represent, and what you can do to make our nation and our people better. 我是中国人。虽然我生在加拿大,但我真心认为我是个中国人。虽然我的普通话不完美,但我清清楚楚地知道我的文化、我的根。希望你们也能记住自己是从哪里来的,代表的是哪个国家,以及你们能做些什么让我们的国家和人民有更好的未来。


(来源:中国日报双语新闻微信  编辑:李雪晴 焦洁 左卓)