
Left, right, and centre 四面八方

“left, right, and centre”来描述一个人花钱的习惯。

地道英语 Left, right, and centre 四面八方

Play audio file 内容简介 在本集节目中,菲菲和 Neil 在谈论 Rob 新买的跑车。在谈话过程中,Neil 用了“left, right, and centre”来描述一个人花钱的习惯。听节目,学习这个表达的意思和用法。

文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。)

Feifei大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的《地道英语》节目。我是冯菲菲。

NeilAnd hello, I'm Neil.

FeifeiHey Neil, I couldn't help overhearing just now but Rob says he's bought a new car?

NeilYes, a red one with one of those tops that folds back.

Feifei我们的同事 Rob 买了一辆跑车!肯定特别贵。It must have cost him a fortune!

NeilOh, you know Rob – he spends money left, right, and centre.

Feifei他花钱“left, right, and centre”?你的意思是他到处乱花钱?

NeilThat's right. It's a phrase that just means everywhere or all the time.

Feifei我懂了。表达“left, right, and centre”的意思是“时时刻刻,到处,四面八方”。I suppose left, right, and centre is everywhere – in all directions.

NeilThat’s correct. And there are examples left, right, and centre – such as these.

ExamplesI'm not surprised the cafe closed, it's been losing customers left, right, and centre over the past couple of years.

You can't miss that new film; they've been promoting it left, right, and centre.

Feifei“Left, right, and centre”有时在日常对话中可以被省略地说成“left and right”或“right and left”。Actually, I want to know how Rob can afford a new sports car?

NeilWell, our boss has been handing out bonuses left, right, and centre – he must have got a big one!

FeifeiThe bonuses aren't that big. It's the bank – they're happy to give out loans left, right, and centre!

NeilI think you may be right – anyway the good thing is he'll take us for a drive in his new car. Here he comes now…

RobHi there. Jump in!FeifeiBye.



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