
Earth is becoming 'Planet Plastic' 地球正在变成“塑料星球”


媒体英语 Earth is becoming 'Planet Plastic' 地球正在变成“塑料星球”

Play audio file 文字稿 据一组美国科学家们计算,迄今为止,人类共制造了约83亿公吨塑料。而产出如此惊人重量的塑料产品仅用了65年左右。83亿公吨相当于两万五千座纽约帝国大厦或十亿头大象的总重。然而,重要的问题是,像包装材料等类似的塑料制品往往只在很短的使用过后就被人们丢弃。请听报道。

Plastics define the modern age. From the start of mass-manufacturing in the 1950s, they’re now all around us, incorporated into everything – from food packaging and clothing to aeroplane parts and flame retardants.

The University of California-led team says the acceleration in use is extraordinary. Of that 8.3 billion tonnes, half has been made in just the past 13 years. Only nine percent has been recycled. The vast majority ends up in landfill.

Knowing the scale of the waste challenge is the starting point for tackling it, but with none of the commonly used plastics being biodegradable, new solutions are urgently needed. There's enough plastic debris out there right now, the team says, to cover an entire country the size of Argentina.

词汇表 define 定义mass-manufacturing 大规模生产incorporated into 用于…,掺入…aeroplane parts 飞机部件flame retardants 阻燃剂acceleration 加速、加快landfill 垃圾填埋场biodegradable 可进行生物降解的debris 碎片、废渣the size of 相当于…的面积

测验 请听报道并回答下列问题。

1. In what products is plastic used, according to the text?

2. Of the total amount of plastic ever made, how much has been recycled?

3. True or false? A very small proportion of the commonly used plastics are biodegradable.

4. Which word in the text means ‘the extent or level of severity to a problem’?

答案 1. In what products is plastic used, according to the text?According to the text, plastic is incorporated into everything – from food packaging and clothing to aeroplane parts and flame retardants.

2. Of the total amount of plastic ever made, how much has been recycled?Of the total amount of plastic ever made, only nine percent has been recycled.

3. True or false? A very small proportion of the commonly used plastics are biodegradable.False. None of the commonly used plastics is biodegradable.

4. Which word in the text means ‘the extent or level of severity to a problem’?Scale.

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