



While sleeping in crowded hostels and strapping all your possessions to your back is heaven for some, there’s another breed of backpacker who’s looking for luxury. 睡在拥挤的旅店,把所有行囊背在背上,尽管这对一些人来说很有乐趣,但还有一些背包客热衷于寻找奢华体验。

Like their penny-pinching cousins, these travellers go from one exotic destination to the next with no itinerary or tour operator to guide them, toting laptops and other hi-tech gear. 就像节约型游客一样,奢华背包客出国旅游时也没有旅行日程或者旅行社的引导,但他们随身携带手提电脑和高科技装备。

“Flashpackers,” as they have been dubbed because they backpack with flash or style, are generally older than the average student backpacker and thus have the funds to satisfy their champagne tastes. 由于他们的装备时尚前卫,他们被称为“奢华背包客”。他们的年龄比一般的学生背包客要大些,因此也有钱满足自己的奢侈品味。

A poll of 1,000 working professionals aged from 35 to 54 found that more than three-quarters (78 percent) would define their travelling style as that of a 'flashpacker' - an adventure traveller that desires style and comfort. 一项针对1000名年龄在35岁到54岁的职场人士的调查表明,超过四分之三(78%)的受访者称自己属于追求旅行时尚感和舒适度的“奢华背包客”。


Have you seen all his gadgets? He's a real flashpacker. 你看到他那些时尚小玩意了吗?他真是一个奢华背包客。

(中国日报网英语点津 yaning)