
2016-07-24 01:50:00

中国日报网7月24日电 据加拿大媒体Mining报道,世界第三大金矿开采公司,南非AngloGold Ashanti公司近日宣布,今后8年计划在几内亚投资4亿美元,开采几内亚Siguiri地区的金矿。

Siguiri是几内亚著名的金矿储量十分丰富的地区,AngloGold Ashanti金矿公司计划在几内亚年出产30万盎司金矿。

在几内亚Siguiri金矿区项目中,AngloGold 公司占股85%,几内亚政府占干股15%。


AngloGold 公司总部位于南非约翰内斯堡,该公司在9个国家拥有17座金矿,2015年共生产400万盎司黄金。

AngloGold 公司在美国纽约证券交易所上市,目前在纽交所的市值为81亿美元。



AngloGold Ashanti, the world's third largest gold producer in terms of output, is ready to invest over $400 million in Guinea over the next several years, a source at the government of the West African nation told Reuters.

"Initially, they will invest $117 million and they will add an additional $294 million" over eight years according to a senior official at the Guinea's ministry of mines.

AngloGold already owns the Siguiri mine, a 300,000 ounces per year producer, in the country. AngloGold holds an 85% interest in Siguiri with the balance of 15% being held by the Government of Guinea.

The operation is a multiple open-pit oxide gold mine in the relatively remote district of Siguiri, around 850km by road, north-northeast of the country’s capital, Conakry. The government official hinted that some of the investment could go towards underground expansion. According to AngloGold the area surrounding Siguiri has significant potential for gold mining and has long been an area of traditional artisanal mining.

AngloGold owns 17 mines mines in nine countries, and the Johannesburg-based miner produced just under 4 million ounces last year. Like its peers, shares in Anglogold has been on a tear with the counter surging 152% in value this year. AngloGold is worth $8.1 billion on the NYSE, trading at its highest levels since mid-2014.