The future development plan of Chengdu Tianfu New Area


Updated: 2012-01-16

According to the planning arrangement, the Chengdu Tianfu New Area will carry out the development objectives in three stages for the near term (2011-2015), mid-term (2016-2020) and long-term (2021-2030).

From 2011 to 2015, about 160 square kilometers of land for urban construction will be added. The construction will count on the national grade of the Chengdu High-Tech Development Zone and the Chengdu Economic and Technological Development Zone. It will give priority to infrastructures and push forward with the high-tech industries, modern manufacturing industry, and high-end service industry.

From 2016 to 2020, about 150 square kilometers of land will be put on the agenda to achieve the objective of reconstructing the industrial part of Chengdu.

From 2021 to 2030, another 150 square kilometers of land for urban construction will be used to develop an international modern district. This will be ideal for residential, industrial and business expansion.

Industrial distribution

The Tianfu Economic Development Zone plans to reserve 650 square kilometers of land for construction projects. The population in the zone is expected to cover six million.

One major objective is to reconstruct an “industrial Chengdu”. The manufacturing sector will play a crucial role in the near term and mid-term development objectives. In the long term, the industrial development will shift from manufacturing to research and development (R&D) and service.

The Tianfu Economic Development Zone has mapped out eight industrial cluster development zones.

The Airport Economic Development Zone concentrates on new energy and gives priority to developing photovoltaic, wind power and nuclear power equipment.

The Shuangliu Information Industrial Zone focuses on electronic information and technological development. It prioritizes developing integrated circuits and software services for the Internet of Things.

The Xinchuan Innovation Technology Park is dominated by science and technology development. It vigorously develops information service, service outsourcing and headquarter offices.

The Chengmei Strategic Emerging Industrial Zone is mainly engaged in the industries of new materials, bio-medicines, energy saving, environmental protection and scientific development.

The Chengdu Economic and Technological Development Zone is devoted to automobile R&D, manufacturing, aerospace equipment and engineering machinery.

The Dongshan Science and Technology Industrial Zone is directed by science and technology development. Priority is given to innovations for the development of information services, pilot scale test incubation and headquarter offices.

The Southern Modern Agricultural Industrial Zone concentrates on agricultural and sideline products deep processing, modern agricultural technological development and biotechnologies.

The Shigao Economic Development Zone focuses on agricultural and agricultural sideline products deep processing, machinery and electronic products manufacturing.
