Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Bailu is a town to the northwest of Chengdu city. Its beautiful landscape attacted so many tourists every year but 2008 Wenchuan earthquake ruined everything.

The Shangshuyuan Church is one of the buildings perished in the quake.

2008 marked the centennial anniversary of the church. Now the local government is working hard for its restoration. The work is expected to be finished in 2012.

Photo of the church taken a hundred years ago

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Its construction started in 1895 and lasted till 1908. It was built by a French Catholic missionary and the building occupies a land area of 10,440 square meters, including the main building, the north and south foyers and St. Mary's Worshipping Auditorium, which occupied 4,434 square meters. 

Shangshuyuan Church before the quake


Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes
The main building

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes
The yard and the foyers

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes
The foyers

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes
Viewing the church from the lobby

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes
A close-up shot

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes
A close-up shot


Shangshuyuan Church destroyed in the quake 

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Shangshuyuan Church reborn from ashes

Now that the restoration work has been underway upon the church,
We have every reason to expect its rebirth.