'Vision plus teamwork equals success'

Updated: 2018-05-10 07:15

By Lin Wenjie in Hong Kong(HK Edition)

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Josephine Lam Po-tung, vice-chairman of sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck, is a person who stays true to her original impulse - to grow a newly born observation deck into a world-renowned tourist attraction. The goal, she believes, is impossible to achieve without a solid team that delivers quality service and business performance.

Lam emphasizes teamwork and believes empowering her team and creating employee trust are the most significant skills for a leader of an effective team.

"I would share my vision and plans with my team members at first, then allow them to develop specific plans according to the vision. When the whole team works together to accomplish one common goal, everyone will feel a sense of belonging and achievement. As a result, they will be more passionate to meet new challenges," she says.

 'Vision plus teamwork equals success'

Josephine Lam Po-tung, vice-chairman of sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck, has a straightforward recipe for building a strong team - share vision, empower and create trust. Parker Zheng / China Daily

But how does she unite employees and inspire them to reach a goal? Lam says a leader should be broad-minded and empathetic; that is, making decisions depending on the overall situation and thoughtfully consider employees' feelings.

"A leader needs to set an example for the employees to show love and passion for the work. For me, I'm very concentrating on my work when I am in the office. Besides looking after the sky100 project, I am also the head of marketing in SmarTone, a local telecommunication company under the Sun Hung Kai Group, so I have to have a clear goal for myself in the first place, and work hard to achieve the goal," Lam says.

Besides being a leader in the company, Lam is also a mother of three children at home, but she can still manage to take time from a busy schedule to spend with her family.

"I'm also passionate about life. Whenever I have time, I will spend with my family. Sometimes I ride bikes with my sons, go skiing, or go diving with them. Doing exercise with family is the best way to rejuvenate myself, and when I go back to the work, I can have a clear mind."

'Vision plus teamwork equals success'

Lam speaks highly of the young generation today, because they have a broader worldview than any of the generations before them; she also encourages young people to travel to different places, as every journey will bring new inspirations.

"They can begin the journey with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The rapid development on the Chinese mainland recent years will definitely bring unexpected surprises and opportunities to them," she says.

She also suggests the young generation learn to see things from a different perspective.

"For example, we all know that Hong Kong's skyline is renowned internationally. But if you look closely at the city, you may see chaotic or ordinary streets that are nothing special. However, when you stand taller, on the sky100 observation deck, you can then fully enjoy the beauty of Hong Kong's skyline."

Last but not least, she urges young people to seize the opportunities, and not shy away from challenges.

"Young people should not be afraid to lose. In fact, the society is full of opportunities, as long as you work hard, and equip yourselves well with necessary skills and knowledge for a career, you will definitely achieve your dream."

For China Daily

(HK Edition 05/10/2018 page15)