Be a resolute implementer of 'One Country, Two Systems'

Updated: 2017-04-12 07:13

(HK Edition)

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The Lion Rock and Great Wall share the same pulse - new chief needs to help Hong Kong share in the China Dream

Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive-elect of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, was presented with the official certificate of appointment by Premier Li Keqiang on behalf of the State Council in Beijing on Tuesday morning. After the appointment, she met Li and on Tuesday afternoon met President Xi Jinping. She also met Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), in Beijing on Monday. In those meetings the three top State leaders expressed sincere hopes for her and the next SAR government as well as good wishes for the HKSAR on its upcoming 20th anniversary. Their wise and kind words represent the central government's genuine concern for the SAR. This also reflects the importance they attach to relations between the HKSAR and the central government.

The fifth-term Chief Executive election, held last month, proceeded strictly according to the Basic Law of the HKSAR as well as relevant laws of Hong Kong and decisions of the NPCSC. Lam won the CE election because she met the long-standing requirements laid down by the central government for each and every CE of the HKSAR, including unequivocal patriotism and love for Hong Kong as well as the nation, rich experience in government affairs, the necessary capabilities to lead, integrity and popular support. The central government went ahead with her appointment as the next CE because it is authorized to by the nation's Constitution.

By accepting the appointment Lam has officially assumed an exceptionally heavy responsibility which comes with the CE's job. In the 20 years since the handover the implementation of "One Country, Two System" has won worldwide recognition as a great success - as shown by Hong Kong's progress in all aspects of its development. That is not to say that implementation of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong has never met unexpected questions and challenges. Today Hong Kong is at a crucial juncture in its all-round development that poses challenges and risks as well as opportunities and hopes. This means the next CE has a lot to live up to in terms of responsibility, mission and honor. To do well in her new official capacity she must be wiser, braver and more big-hearted and committed than ever.

As CE of both the HKSAR and its government Lam will be the first person responsible for accurately understanding and implementing the "One Country, Two Systems" policy according to the Basic Law; correctly balancing the relationship between the "One Country" principle and the difference between "Two Systems"; properly handling the relationship between upholding the central government's authority and maintaining the high degree of autonomy of the HKSAR; and correctly handling the relationship between national sovereignty, security and development interest and Hong Kong's prosperity and stability - without fail. The CE must be a resolute implementer of "One Country, Two Systems", a determined defender of the nation's Constitution and Hong Kong's Basic Law and an unshakable protector of the rule of law.

It is Hong Kong residents' common wish to further develop the economy and improve the people's well-being. It is also the basis for efforts to resolve social conflicts and maintain overall stability. The CE must be a determined leader who heads the SAR government and all walks of life in addressing livelihood issues together; planning for Hong Kong's future development together; pursuing unity, inclusiveness, closing social divide, reducing internal squabbling, easing and hopefully resolving social conflicts; seizing every opportunity, fully utilizing Hong Kong's strengths, bringing its development to connect with the national strategy and working hard on "answering the nation's call with what Hong Kong does best", so as to win public trust and unity with undeniable achievements in governance.

Hong Kong could always count on the motherland for support whenever it faced hardships in the past 20 years since its handover. The State leaders have repeatedly affirmed the central government's fundamental policy toward Hong Kong, upholding the principles of "One Country, Two Systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy". The central government has always supported the lawful administration of the CE and the SAR government. It is hoped that the new CE will fully and faithfully implement the "One Country, Two Systems" policy, counting on the support of Hong Kong compatriots. It is hoped the new CE will live up to the trust of Hong Kong people and expectations of the central government, decisively taking on problems and enhancing the city's competitiveness by leveraging on the strong support of the motherland.

The Lion Rock feels what the Great Wall feels as they share the same pulse. The fate of Hong Kong has always been tied together with that of the motherland. It is hoped that the HKSAR, which turns 20 years old in July, will persist in adhering to the "One Country, Two Systems" principle; taking advantage of the ample opportunities offered by the nation's rapid economic development; enhancing social harmony; and contributing to the realization of the China Dream.

This is an translated excerpt of a commentary from People's Daily.

(HK Edition 04/12/2017 page8)