IN BRIEF (Page 7)

Updated: 2014-10-24 08:03

(HK Edition)

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Counsels rest case in Hui trial

The prosecution and defense counsels in former chief secretary Rafael Hui Si-yan's graft trial rested their case on Thursday after the more than 100-days of hearing in the High Court. Judge Andrew Macrae said the prosecution was expected to start making its closing statements early next month. The trial may conclude as early as Christmas.

Hui faces eight charges relating to bribery and misconduct in public office for allegedly receiving HK$34 million worth of sweeteners from Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) chairmen and others.

LegCo meeting aborted

The Legislative Council (LegCo) aborted its Thursday meeting as the number of lawmakers present failed to meet a quorum - by one. The meeting to discuss setting up the Innovation and Technology Bureau was adjourned until next Wednesday. Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions legislator Aaron Kwok Wai-keung, seen running into the chamber, missed the head count deadline by seconds. He blamed his late arrival on traffic jams, which he said had become unpredictable due to the "Occupy Central" road blockages. Economic Synergy legislators Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen criticized People Power legislators, who were breakfasting in the LegCo complex but ignored the summons to attend the meeting. LegCo Chairman Jasper Tsang Yok-sing said lawmakers' lack of a sense of responsibility were the main reason for the aborted meeting.

Google appeals libel case ruling

Google appealed against the High Court ruling allowing a full hearing of a defamation lawsuit filed by local tycoon Albert Yeung Sau-shing over Google search engine's auto-complete results. This had suggested Yeung had triad connections. The US-based technology giant argued that the case should be transferred to a higher court. This is because great controversy surrounds defamatory information found on the Internet and who should be responsible for auto-complete suggestions provided by search engines. The verdict was adjourned.

Bank officer jailed for theft

A former bank officer who defrauded 18 customers of nearly HK$7 million to repay his gambling debts was sentenced to three years in prison in the District Court on Thursday. Yan Chee-yung, 41, earlier pleaded guilty to 18 counts of theft. The court heard that Yan told the victims, aged between 51 and 78, he could help buy securities at a discount and subsequently pocketed the customers' money. This had occurred seven years ago. A customer called police when he was unable to cash in the purported investment.

China Daily

(HK Edition 10/24/2014 page7)