Man of principles

Updated: 2013-08-23 08:10

(HK Edition)

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Man of principles

Man of principles

Robert Chow Yung is seen as an ardent believer in principles and the rules of the game.

His characteristics were displayed in 2012 when the media veteran of more than 40 years defiantly stood up to critics who discriminate against people who have never been to university by applying for the coveted post of Hong Kong's director of broadcasting. He insisted he was more than qualified for the post.

Chow lost the job to Franklin Wong Wah-kay, but claimed he had won the fight against his critics. They were silenced, Chow said.

The journalist-turned businessman, who now runs a consultancy and investment firm, was frank and open with his views on government policies while co-hosting popular talk shows on radio and television - a stance blamed for Chow being axed from a popular talk show on Radio Television Hong Kong last year.

"A newsman has to be fair to earn the respect he deserves," Chow argues.

Armed with only a Form Five certificate, Chow joined the media industry as a newspaper journalist in the 1960s and worked his way up to become editor-in-chief of a local English-language newspaper in 1984.

He also had a brief stint with the Independent Commission Against Corruption as its chief information officer not long after the graft watchdog was set up in 1974.

(HK Edition 08/23/2013 page3)