In the press

Updated: 2013-05-30 07:15

(HK Edition)

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In the press

Firmly support SAR govt

Some people are trying to dupe the public into believing that Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's administration is in big trouble because of Executive Councillor Cheung Chun-yuen's resignation over a scandal. The question is: What on earth even remotely suggests that Leung is in an administrative crisis, since Cheung's case is a personal matter that has nothing to do with the current SAR government?

The reality is that Hong Kong is faced with severe challenges in matters concerning the economy and people's well-being. Leung and his top administrative team have been working very hard and pragmatically on such tough issues as housing, the economy, poverty relief and health care, with some initial positive results to boot. Hong Kong residents should brush away various distractions and support the SAR government in concentrating on the economy and people's livelihood. Otherwise it would be impossible to solve the city's deeper problems.

Leung and his team of principal officials have done a great deal on the economy and livelihood issues in the past 10 months since taking office. His administration has become smoother and more effective. Hong Kong residents saw it all and gave Leung the credit he deserves; while the central government has offered him and the SAR government as well as Hong Kong society its unwavering support. Those trying to bring Leung down are in fact targeting the central authorities and would gladly sacrifice Hong Kong for their own benefit. That is why members of the public should ignore the sickly noises and support Leung and the SAR government as the central government does, for Hong Kong's and their own sake.

The opposition camp has been tirelessly attacking Leung and the SAR government he heads in a bid to ruin the CE's and his administration's public image. It aims to wear the new SAR government down by whatever means necessary, including sacrificing Hong Kong's overall interest.

This is an excerpted translation of a Wen Wei Po editorial published on May 29.

(HK Edition 05/30/2013 page1)