IN BRIEF (Page 1)

Updated: 2013-01-25 06:43

(HK Edition)

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Household uses 124.7 L water daily

Hong Kong's average household per capita domestic fresh water consumption, excluding flushing water, was 124.7 liters per day last year, according to the Domestic Water Consumption Survey conducted by the Water Supplies Department (WSD).

On average, each person consumed 46.6 percent of fresh water through water taps, 43.3 percent through showers and 9 percent through washing machines.

The survey also revealed that households aware of the government's water conservation promotion were more likely to consume less water per capita than those without such awareness.

'Group-buying' complaints soar

The Consumer Council received 27,327 complaints last year, fewer than 2010's 27,541.

Telecom services remain the category registering the most complaints at 6,647 cases, nonetheless 8 percent lower than in 2010.

Restaurants and entertainment venues ranked No 2 with 2,558 complaints, soaring 163 percent over the previous year. The complaints are mainly about coupons being invalidated. Such coupons are often bought through "group-buying" websites such as but become useless when the restaurant suddenly closes before the expiry date.

Pre-trial in Tony Chan's charge

The High Court on Thursday held a pre-trial hearing on forgery charges against self-styled fung shui master Tony Chan Chun-chuen. Chan is accused of forging a will which he represented to be that of Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum, the late chairwoman of Chinachem Corporation, Asia's wealthiest woman at the time of her death. Chan appeared at the closed hearing that lasted about three hours. The trial will open on April 22 as scheduled. Sixty days were scheduled for the trial. The jury will be selected on May 22.

Real-time traffic info from panels

The Transport Department (TD) will commission five new speed map panels (SMPs) in the New Territories this Saturday, to provide motorists with real-time traffic information.

The SMPs are installed at critical diversion points on Kowloon-bound major routes from the New Territories.

Each panel shows a schematic map of the major routes beyond. The traffic speed on different road sections of major routes is represented in three colors. Apart from representing traffic flow through colors, the estimated journey time is also provided.

Pedestrian safety campaign

The police will run a one-week territory-wide pedestrian road safety campaign starting from today and continuing to Jan 31. The campaign aims to reduce traffic mishaps involving pedestrians, especially senior citizens.

Stringent enforcement apply during the campaign. Police will summon pedestrians found jaywalking or committing other serious traffic offences. Verbal warnings will be given to those who have committed minor traffic offences.

A police spokesman said that common pedestrian offences included disobeying light signals; crossing within 15 meters of a footbridge, a pedestrian subway or a pedestrian crossing, and climbing over curbside fences or through a central reservation onto a carriage way.

China Daily

(HK Edition 01/25/2013 page1)