Sexiest men alive

2010-11-18 16:13
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Sexiest men alive

Actor Ryan Reynolds, star of "The Proposal" and upcoming sci-fi movie "Green Lantern", has been named People magazine's "sexiest man alive".[Photo/Agencies]

LOS ANGELES – Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds, star of "The Proposal" and upcoming sci-fi movie "Green Lantern", was named People magazine's "sexiest man alive" on Wednesday.

It was the first time that Reynolds, 34, made the list in the 25 years since People magazine started it annual "sexiest man alive" feature.

Reynolds joins the ranks of previous winners such as Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise.

"You just have to go with the flow," Reynolds told People of his new title. "This gives my family entry into teasing me for the rest of my life."

Reynolds has been married to actress Scarlett Johansson for two years.

"Now it's going to be, 'Sexiest man, take out the garbage.' That does sound better," Reynolds said. "The most difficult part is going to be organically working this title into a conversation with random strangers."

Reynolds broke into TV acting in 1990 as a teenager and later won star turns in "The Amityville Horror" and "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." His movie star career really took off when he starred opposite Sandra Bullock in the 2009 hit romantic comedy "The Proposal".

He played a U.S. contractor working in Iraq who is buried alive inside a coffin in the small, independent movie "Buried" earlier this year. Reynolds will next be seen in the title role of superhero comics movie "Green Lantern", which is due to be released in June 2011.

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